Today's the Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas. I tend to be critical of him but I've called a truce for today :) Here's just the very end of an article on him by Edward Schillebeeckx ......
Thomas Aquinas: Servant of the Word
[...] When we look for the key to the life of this man of study, we find it in his own words. At the time of his last reception of the eucharist, just before his death, he called out: "Jesus, for the love of whom I have studied, have stayed awake nights, have preached and taught."Jesus ... pro cuius amore!"' No ivory-tower scholarliness, no ambition or intellectual curiosity explains his life of study, but the generous love for a living person, the Lord Jesus Christ. On his way as peritus to the Council of Lyon where he was to be made a cardinal along with his colleague Bonaventure, Thomas asked God that he might rather die than reach Rome as a cardinal. Bonaventure arrived in Rome and became a cardinal. Thomas died on the way. If being a cardinal meant the end of his priestly doctorate, it was better for him to die, for his task was accomplished. For us, however, his unfinished Summa is a constant reminder that the task of the priestly doctorate is always an unfinished life work, that every generation must begin again and press forward.
"Jesus, pro cuius amore" -- because he loved. Love is the form of the priestly or ministerial doctorate That is why Thomas is a saint, and an unusual one It is for that reason that we gratefully celebrate his life as a glowing example for all theologians.