The beleaguered polar bear has been steadily losing its habitat
Why is that? You might ask
There are several reasons, all of which have no validity and render serious damage to our country. I think that one of the most common reasons for them to reject science is because they just don’t understand it…plain and simple. These are intellectually challenged people who still don’t understand how even the most basic laws of nature work. They are obsessed with their ignorance and in order to justify it will at times deride and ridicule anything scientific, dismiss all evidence and ignore facts; very conveniently I might add.
There are other folks out there that dislike science because they are Fundamentalist Christians and science is diametrically opposed to their absurd belief in CREATIONISM. Time and time again science comes up with proof that the world is not 6,000 years old and that dinosaur’s didn't travel with Noah in his ark. This is something they viscerally reject and thus their dislike for science.
Then there are the convenient science deniers…those who know perfectly well that CLIMATE CHANGE is happening, that it is a serious if not a catastrophic problem down the road; but they choose to take the side of special interests because their palms have been greased. This is the worst kind of science adversary because he is doing so out of corruption and greed.
We have encountered these stubborn types before throughout the history of western civilization. Copernicus suffered persecution from the church, others were ridiculed, jailed and even killed for holding ideas that were scientifically on the right track and could be proven but that went against the special interests of the day. We used to believe that the sun orbited around the earth and that somewhere in the Atlantic ocean there was a precipice where the world ended and if you sailed past a certain point you would fall off.
Charles Darwin's favorite research spot, the Galapagos Islands, has brought forth yet another discovery. His famous finches have been studied for generations, and now researchers have managed to witness the birth of a new Species. On one of the Galapagos islands whose finches shaped the theories of a young Charles Darwin, biologists have witnessed that elusive moment when a single species splits in two.
Source: www.wired.com
Anti-evolution people often cite the fact they there's no evidence of one species turning into another species. Well guess what? That evidence was presented back in 1939: Bird Embryo in Apricot.
Indisputable evidence that birds evolved from apricots. Q.E.D. Case closed. Good night, and good luck.
And then of course there are the millions of rocks with fossils embedded in them…and they are millions of years old!