Monday, January 10, 2011

You may know that I'm a big fan of romance. I enjoy romantic books, films, name it.

In order for me to enjoy a romantic book or film, the hero has to be fantastic.
He's got to have that certain 'something' that makes him stand out.

In no particular order, here are the Top 10 Qualities in a Fictional Hero that I look for.

10. He has to have class.

I like a hero who is suave, good looking and sure of himself.

A hero who is self confident without being cocky and who is successful, is hard to resist. These are the type of heroes that will take you out for a night on the town and wine and dine you and make you swoon.

examples: Don Draper (Madmen) & Rhett Butler (Gone With the Wind)

9. Passionate

I always like heroes who are intense and have a bit of an edge. These heroes are not easily forgotten. They can border on the obsessive, which in turn makes them very close to crossing the line between love and hate.

examples: anti-heroes Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights) & The Phantom (The Phantom of the Opera). Also in this category: Romeo (Romeo & Juliet)

8. A Good Sense of Humor

I like a hero that can make me laugh one minute and swoon the next.

example: Westley/Dread Pirate Roberts (The Princess Bride)

7. Physically strong and brave

What better than a strong hero who can save you if need be?

There is nothing sexier than a man who will fight for your honor and look good doing it.

examples: Aragorn (The Lord of the Rings), Leonidas (300) & Indiana Jones

6. Sensitive

A man who is not afraid to share his feelings and even shed a tear is always nice.
He should be in touch with his feminine side, not overly, but just enough.

example: Tristan (Legends of the Fall) & Jerry (P.S. I Love You)

5. Gifted

I love it when a hero has a talent like playing the guitar, piano or writing poetry.

examples: Edward Cullen (Twilight series)

4. Intelligent

If the hero is not smart, forget it. An intelligent man is very sexy.

These are the heroes who are great conversationalists and will discuss politics and current events one minute, then sweep you off your feet the next.

example: Edmond Dantes (The Count of Monte Cristo)

3. A Gentleman

A strong hero always treats his lady right. Period.

example: Mr.Darcy (Pride & Prejudice), as well as all of Jane Austen's heroes.

2. Good kisser

Strong lips are a must. His kisses should leave his lady breathless. I like seeing a passionate kiss on the big screen or reading a great kissing scene in a book.

1. Foreign accent

I must admit, I like my heroes with foreign accents. Scottish preferably.

example: Jerry (P.S. I Love You)

Those are just some of the qualities I look for in a fictional hero. What about you? What qualities do you look for in your heroes?


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