Above all else, voters will remember that infamous ad
If Sarah Palin somehow miraculously manages to pull a rabbit out of a hat and captures the Republican nomination to run for President in 2012, she will have very little chance of winning. She didn’t really have a chance before but now it has become abundantly clear that she is toxic, radioactive and unelectable.
The ex-half governor of Alaska is bright enough, anybody who can parlay an uncompleted term as governor and a failed Vice-Presidential run into millions of dollars worth of book deals and speaking engagements is not dumb. But what Sarah Palin doesn’t have is a social conscience, a sense of decency and compassion. Granted, she does not have intellectual curiosity and perhaps her religious beliefs indicate that she is also gullible enough to buy into Evangelical-Fundamentalist crap.
But when Sarah Palin used that “Crosshairs” ad she sealed her fate and that is unavoidable. I don’t care how conservative a voter you are and how strong an allegiance to your Republican party is; when you go to the polls in the next elections and you see Sarah Palin’s name you will recoil and you will think of the crosshairs ad…that is if you have any social conscience yourself.
There is a lesson to be learned from this odious act of violence that happened in Tucson: It is that we as people can’t go around promoting violence, we can’t use that vitriolic and inflammatory rhetoric because even though we have free speech…words have consequences and it is time that we tone it down; particularly the Glen Becks, Rush Limbaughs, O’Reillys and Hannitys…Sarah Palin and Sharon Angle to name but a few; these are albatrosses of the worst kind and the general population ought to reject them for what they are: opportunistic, outrageous people without a social conscience.

Our rights to bear arms that is so clearly defined in the Constitution does not mean that we as a nation can’t use common sense and restraint on the issue of firearms. It is incumbent upon us to make sure these weapons are not used irresponsibly and we should reject that gun-totting, gun worshiping mentality as something un-American. The idea of having a rifle on a rack in the back of your pickup truck does not make you more powerful or sexier; it just tells people you are a dumb redneck asshole. Not only do you not have a need to carry that rifle but I don’t think that anybody has any need whatsoever to own a tank or a bazooka.