They are not in business to be nice.
Let’s get one thing out of the way before we go any further: business, (corporations) are not people. Because lately these financial behemoths have been awarded “personhood” and given the same if not more rights than a regular, natural human being; they are acting accordingly. It is to be expected that they don’t give a flying fuck about the people, the country or even the world. They exist to make money, to turn a profit for their shareholders and we all know that greed has no conscience.
“The business of the government
There are many responsible business leaders, but many of the world's largest and most successful industries depend on exploiting workers, despoiling the environment, manipulating and otherwise taking advantage of consumers, and squeezing out every possible penny of profit. The public good is to be damned. Most businesses, and particularly most of the largest and most successful businesses, consciously and deliberately damn the public good utterly without conscience. That is why the public good needs defending from them. That is why capitalism itself best thrives when protected from its own exigent excesses. Government is the vehicle.
Modern democratic and republican forms of government were invented to protect people from despotism, to defend human rights, and to give the public good access to political power. Those that would put businesses in charge of government have it exactly backward. Those that deem business executives by that experience qualified to lead government have it exactly backward. George W. Bush was this nation's first MBA president, and the result was the worst-ever terrorist attack on U.S. soil, two disastrously failed wars, a series of human rights violations that likely qualify as war crimes, a great American city drowned due to incompetence and indifference, the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression, and ignoring completely the impending environmental catastrophe that is climate change. But Bush's buddies in the fossil fuels and defense contracting industries did make lots and lots and lots of money.”
SOURCE: http://www.dailykos.com/