We got them, now it is up to you to debunk them.

Religion is not for me; I make no bones about it. I am not a Christian, yet I hold some Christian values a lot more zealously than most Christians. I don’t believe that the Bible is the word of God, I think of it as a series of documents meant to either scare people or to subdue them to the will of organized religion. Most of it makes no sense to me; being a rational and pragmatic man…I put in question the fact that because we don’t have the intelligence or the capacity to understand our origins and the scale of the universe…that we should turn around and make up explanations, construct fairy tales, fabricate stories that are totally outrageous.
In my opinion, religion is nothing more than a business…a very profitable one as anyone in the God enterprise can tell you…or not…because they are no different than movie theaters…with the difference being that the movie theater doesn’t pretend that what the entertainment they are showing you will gain God’s favors and grant you admission into an imaginary place called heaven; nor do movie theaters tell you that if you don’t go to the movies every Sunday you will burn in hell.
But there is a whole new crop of self anointed messengers of God, a spanking new set of religious fanatics that claim to have direct contact or divine inspiration…which to me spells delusional. We see how they manipulate those who are pious or unwilling to think for themselves. These are the “sheep” that need a “pastor” to guide them. Curiously, these are the same everywhere…they exist in every culture and they are only a step away from flying a plane into a building or giving their children and themselves a dose of arsenic laden Kool Aid.

My main point here is that if given a choice, if heaven and hell existed and those self anointed prophets are in heaven…I seriously question how good heaven is or if it is even a place I like to be. I can’t picture myself in the company of Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Glen Beck or Mike Hucklebee. I am curious as to how God feels about these people…would God actually put his/her seal of approval on what they are doing? I think not.
I seriously question whether some of these people really think that they have a direct line to God. If they did, they would not be doing what they are doing…and there is plenty of money behind this “God told me” crap…Glenn Beck would not be making 32 million a year or Sarah Palin would not have turned a failed, half term governorship into millions of dollars.
But who are we kidding here? When they claim this divinity, this exclusive link to God they can manipulate those stupid enough to be willing to listen to them and believe what they are saying…after all, who can argue with God? Who can oppose anything they say if it comes from God?