At the very least prosecute them with the same vigor as you do undocumented immigrants.
And why not? Bankers and Wall Street speculators caused one of the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression. Their greed, lack of ethics, speculative neo-criminal actions have caused millions of people a lot of misery and sent our country into a precipitous fall to ruin while undocumented persons only work for peanuts and don’t do much harm to society.
President Bush and the Republicans thought it would be a good idea to bail out their buddies and they gave them billions of dollars, saving their asses and allowing them to part with very generous severance packages and bonuses…not prosecution which is what they deserve.
On the other hand, the racist element in our society is so threatened by us Hispanics that they are trying every way possible to humiliate, disenfranchise and if the case applies persecute and prosecute those without legal immigration papers. What a crock Republicans, you are a bunch of hypocrites and racist xenophobes. And yes, they are TAKING AWAY YOUR AMERICA because it wasn’t yours to begin with - it belongs to all of us, the people. The Constitution doesn’t say we the WASPHROMS (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Heterosexual old men)
Next time you go on one of your persecution of Hispanics tirade just think that we are 50 million strong and we vote; right now I know that all these racist xenophobes are shitting in their pants after the census figures came out and we now know that Hispanics or Latinos numbers have increased over 40% to number 50 million. Oh, GOP-Teahadists, I forgot to tell you that
Blacks, Gays, Seniors, Pro-choice women, Labor Union members and all the other minorities you have repudiated…they too vote.