But some thieves are devoid of it…like Republican-Teahadists
We are all too familiar with an old Arab fairy tale we probably were told as children: “Ali Baba and the 40 thieves” In this story a heroic thief goes around taking the ill-gotten riches from the wealthy and giving it to the less fortunate ones. We remember this story well because of the hiding place of these thieves; a cave that was hidden by a giant rock that would miraculously open when the words “OPEN SESAME” were uttered.

Then in the Western world we also have a tale of a swashbuckling, sexy young man who runs around in green leotards, wears a funny hat with a feather in it and hides in the forest. His quest in life is to rob those rich folks traveling through and giving the spoils to the poor. We are all familiar with the Robin Hood of the movies; at times played by that wonderful actor Errol Flynn.
In a sense, we are glorifying the act of stealing. The end in the case of these tales somehow justifies the means. We look kindly upon these heroes because they are righting a wrong, they are leveling the playing field. They have been immortalized by movies starring such big Hollywood leading men as Tony Curtis, Kevin Cosner and Russell Crowe.
In the case of Republicans, the opposite is true. There is no honor in taking from the poor and giving it to the rich. Perhaps that is the biggest negative associated with the Republican-Tehadist philosophy. We all know that it is wrong to steal; but we also know that it is by far a lot more evil and immoral to take from those who have not and giving it to those who have.
The aftermath of the Republican created economic crisis which was a result of de-regulation and a mixture of Reaganomics and “TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS” ideology (throw in a dose of greed for good measure)…was to put at risk a nation and impart upon millions of people poverty and misery. The thieves in this case had their magic carpet made air-worthy by Republicans; they had all the ground work to put to practice the worse kind of thievery and yet; none of these greedy bankers and Wall Street types have been prosecuted; they are getting away with impunity.
Everyone in America talks about the awful Sharia laws; even some states have legislation to repudiate it. Robin Hood would have certainly have had at least one hand chopped off under Sharia law…Ali Baba possibly both. But the sin of the bankers and Wall Street types should have them deprived of all four limbs. In this case I am in favor of Sharia law…chop their hands and feet off before they get a chance to bail out with golden parachutes and bonuses to live in their Hamptons mansion and when it gets cold there spend a few months in their Aruba beach cottage.