We should be trying to put Americans back to work, not trying to put public radio out of business.

Hey you guys – Just wanted to let you know that my 95 year old mom is still living with me, alive and well…sassy and cantankerous as ever and President Obama’s Health Care Reform has been working now for a year…amazing isn’t it that some death panel hasn’t ordered her killed?
This news may shock many conservatives who don't have grandmothers and aren't aware that no grandmother has had her pulled by the government. If such a thing had happened, I think Fox News would have found a way to let us know about it by now.
This should be a time to hold people accountable for their rhetoric. Those who made hysterical claims that have proven to be detached from reality should be publicly discredited and ignored in the future until they admit their falsehoods.
At least, you might think those who peddled lies in the past, if they did not have the honor to own up to their actions, would possess enough shame to refrain from repeating them. And also, don’t you think it is about time that Republicans own this whole crisis they helped create? How about engaging us in two stupid wars which Republicans had to lie through their teeth to us and the world to justify them?
I would like to have extra copies of this and every time one of these birthers opens up their mouths I like to first crumple it on their face then stuff it down their throats.
That death panels crap along with the birth certificate bullshit and other lies, misleading information, exaggerations and otherwise empty rhetoric has me and many Americans thinking that there is not one single thing that the Republican-Teahadists say that is true or has a valid point of view. Perhaps the only thing they are sincere about is to lower taxes on the very rich and making Obama look bad so that he is a one term President…that they have been more than clear about.
Then one is to think that all this talk about creating jobs is empty rhetoric when we see all the signs that Republican-Teahadists are working to eliminate jobs period. I have yet to see any of those newly elected and part of the majority in the House of Representatives come up with any plans, give any ideas or propose any legislation that would actually create a single job…on the contrary; House Speaker Boehner has said that even if there are 700,000 jobs lost…”SO BE IT”.
I suppose the Republican-Teahadists are just too busy with all their culture war and social re-engineering agenda to worry about the working class of America. They would much rather decimate Labor Unions, take away women’s rights, bring back DADT, make DOMA a Constitutional Amendment and so forth. These Republicans make me sick and they should make you sick too.
GOP proposes denying food assistance to family members of striking workers
You really can't get any lower than this: House Republicans have introduced legislation that, if passed into law, would deny food stamp assistance to any family member of a striking worker.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no member of a family unit shall participate in the food stamp program at any time that any able bodied work eligible adult member of such household is on strike on strike as defined by the Labor Management Relations Act 1947, because of a labor dispute.
Apparently, busting unions by stripping workers of collective bargaining rights isn't enough. Now they want to threaten family members of striking workers with starvation. These guys just don't know when to put on the brakes. It would be shocking if it weren't so familiar.*
I have said it before and I will repeat it now; theser Republican-Teahadists will not be satisfied when all of the middle class is poor and all the poor are living under the highway overpass.
*SOURCE: http://www.dailykos.com/