Friday, May 6, 2011

This birther crap is not going to end just like this CREATIONISM bullshit hasn’t.

You present these fanatics with the evidence, the proof, the scientific data, charts, facts and reason and they will still cling on to their askew ideology. Let them waddle in a mud puddle of ignorance and superstition…they do not know any better.

As Eugene Robinson puts it:

“To those deniers who can’t come to terms with the fact of the Obama presidency, I have nothing to offer but this: Yes, he’s smarter, richer, luckier and better looking than you, and he’s your president. Yours, mine and ours. And he’s black. Get over it.”

And to the homophobes that are pushing the DOMA crap: People are gay, they are here, they are queer, get over it. Gay people are never going to agree to return to the closet and they will also not allow these Evangelical religious fanatics to continue their attacks and humiliation.


Keith Olbermann finally announced what his new Current TV show will be called, and when it will air.

The new name? "Countdown With Keith Olbermann."

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it," Olbermann joked in a video announcement posted to his "Fok News Channel" site on Tuesday morning.

Previously, Olbermann would only say that the show would air in "late spring." In the video, he at last gave a specific date: Monday, June 20, at 8 PM Eastern.

Olbermann's show has been in the works since he abruptly left MSNBC in January.

In a conference call with reporters on Tuesday morning, Olbermann said that "nothing is more vital to a free America than a free media, and nothing is more vital to my concept of a free media than news that is produced independently of corporate interference." He called Current "the model truth seeking entity" in television, and said that his new show was "the most exciting event in my career."

Olbermann said the show "will be for all intents and purposes an improved and we hope amplified and stronger version of the show that I just did at my previous network." He could not, however, provide details of the name and time of the show, saying only, "stay tuned."

Al Gore, the chairman of Current TV, also spoke on the conference call. He said he was "extremely honored and delighted" that Olbermann was coming to Current. He said Olbermann was a "great fit with Current in every way."



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