Out of all of these inequitable laws that have emerged this is the real reason behind it all
Why beat around the bush? These are mostly Fundamentalist-Christian fanatics that hold as their ideology some very fucked up interpretations of the Scriptures. (And even some more recently fabricated ones like the Book of Mormon) But that is not even the crux of the issue…the real reason for their stance against homosexuality is that they want to feel superior somehow, better than, anointed by God, chosen, special and infallible…it is all a big ego trip…it is a reaffirmation that their brand of religion is correct and the one God favors…it is a plight, a pathetic plight to have their religious beliefs encoded into secular government.
Unfortunately, these people don’t give a shit about our Founding Father’s convictions; one of which was that there has to be a separation of church and state and if you ask, most of them will tell you that this is a Christian nation; nor do they care about the basic rights that all Americans are entitled to enjoy under the laws of our awesome Constitution…it is a question of rights, equality.
It has become abundantly clear that those who support PROPOSITION 8, DOMA, and DADT are doing so because they want the government to put the seal of approval on their ideology, on their discrimination and they need this validation from the secular sector.
Those who support all these discriminatory measures against homosexuals are pretty flimsy themselves…their religions are not just fabricated but also lack validity, recognition from the majority that it is a religion and not a sect; on a personal level they are often the most egregious violators of Scriptural laws…fornicators, adulterers, cheaters and men devoid of compassion and good will…they are in my book…HORRIBLE HUMAN BEINGS…and yes, we can start with the MORMONS when we talk about these fanatics because they have spent the most money and effort to vilify homosexuality.