Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Now we are going to see the fish commit suicide because they don’t like their new neighbor

As is to be expected, there would be objections from those radical Muslims that supported Osama bin Laden.

What did they really expect? That the United States would relinquish his body so they can bury it in Yemen and they could build a mausoleum where they would hold annual pilgrimages to their “martyr”? But there is also the objection of even Muslim countries to take his remains…they don’t want to be associated with such crazy, radical terrorist that gives Muslims a bad name.

“US officials had decided that, should Osama Bin Laden be killed in a raid by American troops at a compound in northern Pakistan, they would dispose of his body at sea in order that his grave not become a shrine to his followers. While a White House officials says they planned to follow all rites with Muslim burials and consulted with Islamic experts, the sea burial has been quickly criticized by Muslim scholars who, according to the Guardian, say it violated Sharia law and could be reason for retaliation attacks against the US.”



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