Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sarah, how is that REFUDIATION workin’ out for ya?

Sarah Palin supported Joe Miller; he has been defeated and a write in candidate will win in Alaska…unprecedented as far as Senatorial candidates is concerned because it hasn’t happened in over fifty years. But the message should be loud and clear: Sarah Palin is not well liked in Alaska and neither is her Tea-Bag Party. She should pay attention to what the people are saying…after all isn’t that what their mantra is? Listen to us…and Alaskans have said to Sarah…your fifteen minutes of fame not only were stretched to the limits but don’t even get the idea that you are Presidential timber…you are dead wood.

Rand Paul is still delusional…he thinks that he can push the Tea Party agenda and in his own little world he is fooling himself into thinking that he is actually going to accomplish anything as Senator from Kentucky.

Jed Lewison

Jed Leison wrote in

“There's nothing wrong with being rich -- if you make an honest buck, more power to you. But there is something really foolish about believing that our path to economic salvation depends on cutting spending so that we can lower tax rates on the top income brackets, especially when so many Americans are struggling to put a roof over their heads and food on the table. Rand Paul says his top priority is reducing national debt...but on what planet does he believe cutting taxes on the top marginal income brackets will accomplish his stated goal?”

Did anybody bother to tell Rand Paul that most of the national debt was acquired by Bush over his insistence in taking our nation into an unwanted and immoral war?


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