Wednesday, November 10, 2010


When are we going to face reality and accept that government is as big as it needs to be? We are the biggest world superpower and we insist on defending countries that don’t need to be defended or that have more than the means to do so like Japan, Korea, Germany and Saudi Arabia.

We insist as a nation in maintaining an obsolete, useless military industrial complex that serves us ill in terms of good will around the world and does not do much for us in terms of military strategy. We reward unethical contractors who got their contracts without even bidding to cheat and overcharge. Halliburton and Blackwater in its new incarnation are but two of the many examples.

We reward the oil companies with unlimited drilling and speculative price gauging as our environment suffers instead of embarking upon one massive effort to rid ourselves of carbon based fuels. We are even giving them subsidies for crying out loud.

Don’t get me wrong…I am not an isolationist; but I have been described by some as a pragmatic realist who uses logic and reason to look at the world’s problems. I have always lived following the concept that our only obligation is to leave this world a little better than we found it.

And again, looking at it from a realistic point of view, the Teahadist-Republicans don’t have any problems with the military industrial complex; they want to spend more on it actually. What they do have problems with are the safety nets and social programs we have in place in our society like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Banking Regulations, Consumer Protection and a myriad of other similar government enterprises that exist to protect the American Public and to give it a hand when they stumble.

To hear these Teahadist-Republicans speak, you could actually balance the budget and pay off our debt if only we didn’t have those social safety nets. Not only is this disingenuous, but it also is misleading in a perverse way because there are a lot of gullible people out there who are buying into this misconception. It is perfectly acceptable to give the big corporations tax breaks to take their jobs and companies overseas, it is preferable in their minds to have large profits for these than to actually tax them the way they should be taxed and suffer penalties if they take their operations abroad instead of encouraging it.

It is propitious to point out that just like when President Bush was regaled with the gift of the Presidency by an activist-right wing Supreme Court and he mistakenly interpreted it to be that he actually had a mandate; the Teahadist-Republicans are also misinterpreting the gains they made in these past elections. The voters didn’t vote to have everything that has been done in the past two years erased, they don’t want gridlock and the obstructionism that we have seen from Republicans; the voters actually voted to reject all of that because they are tired of not having any change, they are fed up with politics as usual and most of all; the voters are clear in what they want: REAL CHANGE in the way our almost decimated democracy works.

The Teahadist-Republicans don’t even have an inkling that this is what the American people want…instead, they want to carry on their agenda of destroying all of our gains and legislation and to make President Obama look bad so he is a one term President…they have already been very specific in saying that. So what if the middle class and the people of America suffer? That is the price they have to pay for actually having the audacity of hope, desiring transparency, change and progress.

Again we are going back to one of the worse Presidents we ever had: Ronald Reagan who insisted that “GOVERNMENT WAS THE PROBLEM” and that “TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS” worked. To this day, there are millions of people in America that embrace those odious concepts and still claim that they are valid.

My message to them is: Wake up and smell the coffee; we are not ever going to rid of the national debt by giving our money to the rich and getting into debt to the Chinese to do it nor are we ever going to see a balanced budget until we reduce military spending; it needs to reflect the new realities of today’s world-wide political environment. It does not serve America well to have thousands of military bases sprinkled in different geographic areas because when push comes to shove the new threats are in the forms of terrorism and ideology, not military might.


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