Systematic exclusion of minorities and people with different ideas, backgrounds, sexual orientation, middle class and poor and the list goes on.
There is one factor that is going to render the GOP irrelevant in a short period of time: DEMOGRAPHICS. But not only is demographics going to catch up with these right wingers, but also their own insistence in excluding whole groups of people…large, very large numbers of voters.
First to go of course were Blacks…it is incompatible for Teahadist-Republicans to have a black President. It just does not serve the purpose of embracing divisionism, racism and white supremacy. So, don’t count them as potential Republican voters…some very few and far between will; but the majority of blacks have no lost love for Republicans.
Next to go were the Latinos; the passing and support of that crazy Arizona “SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS” law made it clear that Teahadist-Republicans were allergic to ñs and accents. They seem to think that being born on the north side of a body of water renders them superior somehow. The Republicans have been solidifying this rejection of Hispanics with their stance on Immigration Reform.
The Republicans stood almost solidly in favor of maintaining “Don’t ask, don’t tell”, their stance on Proposition 8, their opposition to any granting of equal rights to gays…So, also count out the LGBT from the Republican voter base.
Now they are conducting a scorch the earth battle to deprive Public Service Employees of their unions…You are talking about Firefighters, teachers and all Government employees…a vital sector for America…so, UNION MEMBERS…count them out too.
We continue with:
Unemployed – The GOP is not willing to assist by extending unemployment benefits. Also, the Republicans are perfectly satisfied with a system that rewards big corporations to outsource jobs abroad and to close up manufacturing here in America…they even encourage it by giving them tax breaks and subsidies.
Elderly – The GOP wants to end Social Security as we know it and privatize it
Mortgaged homes, owners: The GOP wants to make sure that Mortgage Companies and Banks can arbitrarily and indiscriminately foreclose on a house even if there is no default of payments because they think the Government should not interfere. We also have among these millions who lost their homes to foreclosure.
Secular, non-religious folks, people of faiths that are non Christian; these too have been targeted by Republicans as was evident in the Muslim Learning Center debacle…even though there was an existing mosque in the twin towers at the time they were destroyed. So Muslims are out. But what about others like Jews and Catholics? Well, I am afraid they too are excluded because the GOP is only celebrating the more ignorant and superstitious branches of Christianity: The Fundamentalist Evangelicals whose purpose in life is to make our country into a Theocracy.
Republicans have made some very shallow gains these past few years. This is a direct result of a very nasty and prurient campaign of disseminating lies about our President and misleading people through their unofficial news channel: Fox News. Death Panels, Birth Certificate doubters, labeling the President any and everything from SOCIALIST to Nazi…has succeeded in convincing a number of less educated, more gullible Americans…but that will not last either as people begin to question and to actually place the blame for their problems on those who caused it.
But seriously folks, who are the Republicans left with? They are left with Racist, Xenophobic, Homophobic, White Supremacists. They are left with the very rich who the Republican Party has served well by establishing a weird kind of SOCIALISM…that of the welfare state for the very rich and the corporations. They are also left with a very gullible and uneducated segment of the population as well as some who still believe in Reaganomics and the concept of “Government is the Problem” and “Trickle Down Economics”

Amazingly, the Republican-Teahadists have thrown under the bus all those middle of the road and moderate Republicans in an effort to attain “PURITY OF IDEOLOGY”….so that those too will not be voting Republican come next election. Even someone as right-leaning as demagogue in chief Reagan would have been thrown under the bus.
I am just curious as to who the Teahadist-Republicans will exclude next...perhaps they will say that only blonds can belong to the Republican Party and require a litmus test that a person has to submit to and they will make sure you are not a Clairol customer by examining your pubic hair.
My take on all of this is simple: keep it coming Repubs…you are only tightening the noose on the rope you will use to hang yourselves...maybe you should give Russian roulette a try.