Sunday, January 2, 2011

What these Tehadist-Republicans have up their sleeve is nothing short of treason, lack of patriotism and a disregard for the American people’s well-being.

If you think you saw obstructionism and downright sabotage directed at the President, Democrats and the country in general in the past two years…prepare yourself for what is in store. The Teahadist-Republicans have a few more tricks up their sleeve and it should prove disastrous for America.

Conservatives have a legislative agenda for 2011 that will hurt your ability to get or keep a job, your neighborhood's ability to recover from the recession and this country's ability to regain its footing in the global economy.

To keep conservatives from enacting policies that will kill a nascent economic recovery, progressives will have to organize against these top 10 economy killers.

Isaiah J. Poole writes: that these are the top ten Ways The Right Will Wreck The Recovery

1. Repeal of health-care reform.

2. Diminish the federal government's ability to support job-creation.

3. Slash federal infrastructure spending.

4. Dismantle Medicare (and give seniors "vouchers")

5. Undo financial reform, and let the predators run.

6. Support Big Oil and kill green jobs.

7. Don't just cut government waste; cripple government.

8. Amp up the insecurity in Social Security.

9. Starve public education.

10. Don't ask the rich to help reduce the deficit; ask low-income Americans instead.

“If the wealthy aren't being asked to sacrifice something, guess who is. Social Security is the lifeline for America's elderly, but even though it adds nothing to the deficit it is at the forefront of proposals for cutting it. Medical programs for the poor, the Making Work Pay program, and so many other things the government does for our people are the first things suggested by the well-to-do who dominate the inside-the-Beltway commissions and commentariat.”

All of the motivation is pure partisanship, placing the Republican Party’s agenda before family, state and country…and it is simply an agenda that says they want President Obama to only serve one term.

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