Thursday, April 30, 2009

An Award For You

Many of us bloggers have our share of awards. You know how it is, these awards make their way around the blog-o-sphere. Well, i've made up a new award, and would like to pass it on to my blog friends. Don't feel pressured to pass it on or even blog about it, I know we are all busy bees and don't always have the time to blog about awards. Plus it's hard to keep track of where the awards came from...who gave them...etc. But I was playing around in my graphics program and came up with an award with my chihuahua Diego on it. I think it's cute, but hey, I am biased.

The #1 blogger award goes to:

yvonne, serena, joanne, chic geek, gingerkid,
nymeth, c.j., alice, samantha, jennifer, anna and the girl,
tink, wisteria, melody, mariel, historical tapestry, fyrefly, iliana, lisa, molly, bostonbibliophile, ms moonlight, jennygirl, scrap girl, paxton and dar.

If I forgot anyone, I am sorry. Feel free to take the award, pass it on...or not, it's up to you. But I do think you are all #1 Bloggers :)


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