Thursday, January 29, 2009
I'm being interviewed! By non other than the fabulous Serena.
Here are the fun questions she came up with for me:
1. What book made you fall in love with reading and have you recently re-read it or plan to re-read it?
What a great question. I have so many favorites. Of course, Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice. I first read it about five years ago, and I am glad I waited that long to read it. I don't think I would have liked it if I read it while I was in my teens/early twenties. I know that sounds strange, but I don't think Jane Austen's style of writing would have caught my attention back then. I feel like my tastes in reading have matured, and now I can enjoy a good classic novel. I tend to re-read Pride & Prejudice every year. It's just an amazing novel. The characters, the storyline....I even like the film versions. The last time I read it was last January, so it is about time for a re-read.
2. Have you every crocheted a book cover for your favorite books? If you did or would, what design would you choose to create?
No, but now that you mention it, I should make one...lol. If I were to crochet a bookcover, i'd probably make it blue and give it some kind of handle so I can slip the cover on and carry the book around easier. See, now you have me thinking...lol!
3. I picture your home having a ton of crocheted animals and books, is this an accurate description, or how would you describe your home and organization for your books and crochet?
You hit the nail on the head! lol. I do have soooooo many crocheted animals and of course lots and lots of books. My attempt at keeping everything in order is to arrange most of my books and crocheted toys on my bookshelf (I have one of those built in bookshelves that takes up the entire wall). And i've managed to turn my linen closet into a crochet closet. So I keep my yarn in there, and a few of my projects too. I'm as weak in the yarn shop as I am in the book store, so I do have a plastic tub full of yarn as well.
I have books everywhere, the nice thing about books is that you can kind of place them around the home and they look good (or so I tell myself...lol). I have some on my baywindowsill, some on my dresser, a few on my coffee table...they are everywhere, but it looks as if they belong there. I do have some stored away in cardboard boxes too. I haven't admitted to myself yet that I need plastic tubs to store more of my books, but very soon I will have to get some and stash my books that way.
4. List some of your favorite foods and what the first memory is that you have of eating those foods.
Being Latina, I eat alot of Spanish food. Rice and beans is a staple in our family. My grandma was a great cook, all these years later, I still remember how good her cooking was. I wish I could cook like she did! Her homemade cooking was amazing, she made her food from scratch and you just can't duplicate the tastes.
We lived in a 2 family house, and she lived in the apartment upstairs when I was little. And I even remember her making the simple things for me, like she'd always have a bowl of hot oatmeal waiting for me every morning before school. I'd refuse to go to school without going up to her apartment for my oatmeal. I was 4 and still remember that.
5. If you could be any comic book character, who would you pick, what powers would you have, and why?
Wonder Woman, hands down! When I was little, i'd watch the tv show, with Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman. Then I'd imitate what she did. Like holding my hands out wide and spinning...lol. I remember thinking it was so cool that Diana Prince could spin like that and become Wonder Woman. And her bracelets deflected bullets, that always comes in handy. And I'm pretty sure she had an invisible plane too, plus I remember her lasso. Those are all very cool powers and gadgets to have.
Thanks for the fun questions Serena :)
If anyone would like to be interviewed here are the rules:
Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

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