Thursday, January 15, 2009
I have a special guest at my blog today, Robert Patterson, author of FIVE STEPS TO C.A.L.M (Career and Life Management). Robert is on a virtual blog tour from December 1 and through January 30.
This set of instructions is a must read for the “career changer” and “job seeker” in any geographical area of the United States. Written by a veteran from the school of “real street knowledge”, Mr. Patterson tells it like it is with a view toward ultimate success. The language is designed to help the reader slip comfortably into the practices that, once refined, become the marketing confidence required by any one seeking employment.
Authors I Admire by Robert Patterson
I would have to say that there have been quite a few authors who I have read over the years. However, having said that I would have to select a small group that in my humble opinion has had the most affect on writing and me.
There would be Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Langston Hughes and Toni Morrison.
Their writing styles just grabbed me from the beginning of their work and hold me to the very end. They wrote about what I would call “REAL Life”. I could always feel their words running through my veins like fresh blood beginning pumped to my heart and brain.
I always wanted to emulate that affect to others that they had on me. The books, which I write today, are written in a simple form that hopefully will resonates to my readers the same simple understanding to people that this is what you need to do and this is the way in which you need to do it. If you would think about the context in which I am writing from it should be clearly understandable that what I am writing about is something that not everyone is/ has knowledge of how to accomplish.
I hope that this short explanation will answer your question. However, if not, please use my website at http://www.rpatters.com and click-on the contact Icon and I will get back to you as soon, as I can.
Thank you very much for having me here.
Robert Patterson Sr.
PS. You can also visit my blog at http://www.fivestepstocalm.wordpress.com
About the author:
Born in Cincinnati, Ohio Reverend Robert Patterson, Sr. is the father of six children (5 sons one daughter) and the loving husband of Mrs. Linda Patterson. He is a grandfather as well as a great grandfather.
As a member of Walker Chapel AME Church (The Fifth District), he has served in various capacities, from the Usher Board to the Steward and Trustee Boards. He has taught both Sunday School and Bible Study and has served in each department to the best of his abilities.
His life reads like a road map, he is a Vietnam ERA Veteran (U.S.M.C 1961-1970), A Graduate of San Diego State University (Class of 1975). He has served as a Cable Television News Reporter, (Oceanside, CA.) Host of “Behind the Truth”, Employment Counselor Specialist, (Operation SER), Counselor-Testing Specialist, Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee (MAAC). Coordinator of Manpower, CETA Area Training Center (at Palomar Community College), Transitional Assistance Program Instructor (TAP) and was Director of Personal Affairs (Camp Pendleton, CA) and Coordinated the first ever Sickle Cell Anemia Testing in Oceanside, just to name a few of his many accomplishments.
Reverend Patterson is a strong advocate of education and cultural awareness. He likes teaching and having the interaction and discussion of both Bible Study and Sunday School with the congregation in order to get down to the nitty gritty and still be brief, be specific, and be seated.” As he is fond of saying, “The day that you stop seeking knowledge, is the day that you most surely are dead.”
Thanks for stopping by Robert! Best of luck, your book sounds informative and helpful.
Special thanks to Dorothy
over @ http://www.pumpupyourbookpromotion.com/, for making this possible.

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