Saturday, January 10, 2009
Happy Saturday everyone. We are expecting a snow storm here today, so I have a good excuse to stay home crocheting and reading :)
I've received a few awards this past week and wanted to share:
Tena, whose blog I recently discovered and have been visiting often, because it's awesome over there...gave me the pretty Butterfly Award. Thanks Tena! If you haven't stopped by her blog, do so...right now...check out her fun blog setup and title...Crazy Book Slut. It's great!
Anna has also passed the Butterfly Award to me. Thank you Anna! Your blog is always a pleasure to visit. If you haven't stopped by her blog, you are missing out. Anna has some wonderful book reviews and always keeps things interesting over there. And she's a knitter as well :) Even her sweet daughter (The Girl) posts book reviews at her blog.
LadyTink also passed this award onto me this past week. Thanks Tink! Your blog is great :) Stop by her blog for some great book and movie reviews. Tink always has interesting and detailed posts and she features some of my favorite films.
I won't be passing on the Butterfly Award, because i've seen on most of my blog buddies sites and I have passed it on before before.
And two other fun awards...The Lemonade Award and Kreativ Blogger Award, presented to me by Serena. The Lemonade Award is for blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude. Thank you Serena! I always enjoy stopping by great your blog. It's very 'Lemonadey' lol. Serena has great reviews and always has interesting blog posts. If you haven't done so already, stop by for a visit, you will enjoy it!
I have passed the Kreativ Blog Award onto my blog friends before, so this time I want to pass the Lemonade Award onto the following bloggers: c.j., samantha, mariel, sleepy reader, sarai, nymeth, kara, yvonne, bookzombie and j.kaye
And last but not least....I do have another award I will be passing on.
Joanne a.k.a BookZombie has awarded me the The Well Worth Watching Blog Award. How cool is that award? I love it.
This is for all those blogs you cannot wait to read every day, that you look forward to seeing updates on and that have inspired you in your own blogging. There are no rules for this one, but feel free to pass it on to whomever you feel deserves it!
Thank you Joanne, I always look forward to stopping by your wonderful blog. It is definitely well worth watching :) If you guys haven't done so already, stop what you are doing and visit BookZombie's blog. You won't be dissapointed.
I'd like to pass The Well Worth Watching Blog Award award on to the following bloggers:
melody,serena, ladytink,
chic geek,
tena, fyrefly,
dar, cheryl, wisteria,boston bibliophile
and scrap girl
Thank you blogging friends, I appreciate you all :)
You think the award passing on is over...well, it's not! lol. Just one more thing..I promise....I've passed on my own 'Addictive Blog Award' before, so I know many of my blogging friends already have it. But I have made new blogging friends since then and I'd like to pass it on once more to all those mentioned in this post in case they don't have it. So if you don't have it, I'd like to give it now. You're blogs are definitely addictive :)
Feel free to pass this award on as well, to other blogs you find hard to resist:

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