Monday, January 5, 2009
title: Inkheart
author: Cornelia Funke
genre: young adult
published: 2003
pages: 563
first line: Rain fell that night, a fine, whispering rain.
rated: 4 out of 5
This book starts off with 12 year old Meggie who lives with her father, Mortimimer. Mo is a bookbinder, he makes his living repairing old books. Meggie calls him a 'Book Doctor'. Both Meggie and Mo are share a love of books, so much so that thier home is full of them.
Stacks of book were piled high all over the house-not just arranged in neat rows on bookshelves, the way other people kept them, oh no! The books in Mo and Meggies house were stacked under tables, on chairs, and in the corners of rooms. There were books in the kitchen and books in the lavatory. Books on the TV set and in the closet, small piles of books, tall piles of books, books thick and thin, books old and new.
One rainy night, Meggie goes to her window to see a stranger standing in front of her house, watching. Meggie runs to tell Mo right away, and is surprised to see that he knows the stranger and has been expecting him. The strangers name is Dustfinger.
Mo begins to act strange and he and Dustfinger have a private discussion, while Meggie tries to eavesdrop. Dustfinger warns Mo about someone named Capricorn. Soon enough Mo tells Meggie that they have to leave for a little while to visit her aunt Elinor. Meggie isn't too happy about that since her aunts are all strange and do not like children.
Of course Elinor's house is full of books, even more so than Meggies. And she is shocked to see just how many books are in the lady's home.
Meggie had always thought Mo had a lot of books. She never thought so again, not after setting foot in Elinor's house. There were no haphazard piles lying around as they did at home. Every book obviously had its place. But where other people have wallpaper, pictures, or just an empty wall, Elinor had bookshelves.
Before she knows it, a few strangers arrive at Elinor's home and Mo leaves with them.
Meggie is left behind not knowing what to do, but knowing she has to find her father and help him.
Meggie soon learns about a book called Inkheart and how characters can come out of story books and how real people can get sucked into them as well.
I love that books and reading are a big part of this story. Mo and Meggie love books. Reading is a big part of thier daily lives.
He was probably right, but there was another reason why Meggie took her books whenever they went away. They were her home when she was somewhere strange. They were familiar voices, friends that never quarreled with her, clever, powerful friends-daring and knowledgeable, tried and tested adventurers who traveled far and wide.
Inkheart is a great read. I liked the storyline and the characters. I like Meggie and Mo's relationship, they are very close and have a strong bond. I also like Elinor. I can relate to her love of books. And once she spends time with Mo and Meggie, she realizes how lonely she has been with only her books to keep her company.
Dustfinger quickly became a favorite character. You get a soft spot for him, he's been read out of Inkheart, and feels lost in this world. He just wants to go home.
This story took off right away. I did find the middle to be a little slow at times, but then it picked right up again, especially towards the end. I am proud of myself for finishing Inkheart, it is 563 pages long, and I have a short attention span, but this book did keep me interested. It took me about a month to finish and i'm glad I read it. This is the type of book that you lose yourself in. It's one of those cozy, comfort reads.
About the author:

Cornelia Caroline Funke was born December 10 in the German town of Dorsten. She is a multiple award-winning German author of children's fiction. Funke is best known for her Inkworld trilogy, with the English translation of the third, Inkdeath, released on October 6, 2008. The Inkworld books have gained a variety of attention, and critics have praised Funke as the "German J. K. Rowling". Her books are very popular in her native country, and many have now been translated into English. Her work fits mainly into the fantasy and adventure genres. She currently lives in Los Angeles, California.
quoted from wiki
Inkheart will be in theaters soon! January 23rd.
See the films official site here: http://www.inkheartmovie.com/
Special thanks to fyrefly, I won my copy of Inkheart at her blog.
This book has also been reviewed by:
Scrap Girl

Labels: 2009 book review, reviews, young adult
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