So earlier tonight, I received a facebook message off a girl called Sarah McSharry. She said ''Is this Leanne Jaw Full Of Wood''. I don't know her, yet she slags me? So I blocked her obviously. Her mate Lynn Chaney then pops in for dramas sake and starts defending Sarah. Lynn who is known in Dublin, and Ireland and people informed me, for being a stalker. So for about 3 hours this big fight was going on over the net. So I block Lynn on twitter and then Sarah decides to request to follow me. Why are people this dumb? So then I blocked her. I went on her twitter and found out she's bestos with David Lennox, remember the chap who admitted to slagging my jaw on formspring? So basically, two people.. who I've never met in my whole life and who I don't know, went on my formspring constantly and slagged me for their entertainment. And also Lynn says ''everyone slags me'' and hates me etc. So two more people who I now know slagged me on formspring. The 4 people I know for defo, I don't know. I hope this is a good example for people who receive abuse anonymously... it's probably not from people you know. It reassures me and make me feel better tbh, if my life entertains them so much, what does it say about them?