May I just say R.I.P Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett, it's been a year since you legends have passed us. You's will never be forgotten.
Tomorrow is the annual Gay Pride Festival, it happens every Summer and it is always a brilliant day! Homosexuals and Hetrosexuals alike, both join forces to make a huge day to remember for everyone, while making a statement. I personally, cannot believe gay marriage is STILL, to this day, illegal in the Republic of Ireland. It disgusts me. All because the Catholic Church disagrees with it, the same church that was found guilty of abusing children? Yeah, some feckin religion Catholicism is! All religions are a fucking joke, they all cause too much conflict and false hope. It's better to be spiritual, than religious.
That has completely gone off my point, so moving on swiftly.. tomorrow we are all going in to celebrate gay pride! I'm doing my hair and make-up crazy and my friend Celia and I are buying these 'Legalize Gay Marriage' tops in American Apparel to wear, they're deadly looking! There is a parade running from O'Connol Street to Central Bank, full of floats, dancers.. everything you could imagine! So if you're in Dublin tomorrow, I'd recommend seeing it!
I've been experimenting with make-up looks lately, mostly by watching youtube tutorials! My favourite make-up artist channels are Panacea81 and PixiWoo, they're both so talented at doing make-up and all their looks are very achievable! I need to start wearing different looks myself, I've been wearing my 50s flick for like, 3 years now. I'll always probably wear it most of the time, but I'll vary it. I get a lot of questions asking me what make-up I use, so I'll be posting a blog post soon about that!
Hope everyone's Summer is going well!