I am happy. I have found out the abuse I get is left by the same person. They use o2 broadband, not Eircom. So I can't get their names without the law involved, I could with Eircom but o2 don't allow it. This person has left me all the horrible ones, the ones about my Nana. They live in 'Lakelands Close', an estate near my school. I don't know anyone who lives there except a good friend of mine, and I know 110% it's not her. So basically, I've someone.. who doesn't know me, or I don't know them, upsetting me every day. Leaving me foul abuse. Their I.P address was '192'. They haven't had their internet long. In some ways, I'm happy it's not someone I know, but I still want to know their name. If anyone has any info on who lives there, send me info on my formspring (I won't publish the q) or send me a message. The only names I have are: David Lennox and Elaine Cosgrove. But they left me petty abuse about my jaw etc. This is the serious stuff, so if you can.. help! Thank you.