Hi blogging friends. TGIF :) In my opinion, Friday can't get here soon enough!
This has been a hectic week for me, between work and home there's barely a free minute to sit down and just relax. This Sunday is my daughter's 10th birthday and we're all set to throw her a pool party. I'm just hoping it doesn't rain. Another year, another birthday, time flies. She used to love Barney and Telletubbies, now she loves Justin Bieber and Hannah Montana, and likes to paint her nails and wear lipgloss. *sigh*
Another event that happened this week was Diego getting the 'snip snip'. Poor thing, he went in for surgery on Monday morning, and has been wearing an annoying cone all week. He's recovering well though and the cone comes off in a few more days.
As far as reading goes, this Monday my book review for A Bad Day For Pretty by Sophie Littlefield will be up. Don't you love this cover? It caught my eye right away.
Recently, author Christy English was kind enough to contact me about reviewing her book The Queen's Pawn, which I'm very much looking forward to reading.