After reading Perez Hilton's ignorant tweet (''Is really that different from English???? How the hell is Caoimhe pronounced Kee-va????''), I have decided to write a blog on being Irish and Ireland.
First off, IRELAND is NOT ENGLAND. Northern Ireland (Fermanagh, Derry, Tyrone, Armagh, Down and Antrim) is part of the English Empire however since 1921. This is different to the REPUBLIC OF IRELAND. A separate country and constituency since 1949, and we have nothing to do politically with the UK. We have our government, Gaelic is rightfully our first language (we speak English but on paper Gaelic is stated as our first language. Due to failed attempts at reviving the language in the mid-20th century, English has taken over - It is more useful for emigration and entertainment etc.) and we are, as a nation, Irish.
What I don't understand is when foreign people just shrug it off when we say we're Irish by saying ''Oh well that's more or less the same as England.'' Do people not realize how disrespectful that is? After 700 years of being occupied by Britain, we are at peace and are our own nation. So for other people to just assume we're the same as another country, or part of it, is just plain ignorance? Fair enough, we speak the same language and our shops and trade may be linked, but that doesn't mean we're to be known as part of Britain. We are Irish, and proud.
I know personally, I am extremely patriotic and proud of my Irish heritage. Many of you are probably thinking 'Well why the hell are you moving to London next year?' and the reason is simple; opportunities. Let's face the facts, where would someone in the fashion industry do better in? Dublin or London? London obviously, being one of the fashion capitals of the world. And also not many colleges in Ireland offer the course I want.
I am in no-means racist towards British people, or racist in any way. But people have to realize that I am Irish and I will consider myself Irish and be loyal to Ireland until the day I die. So, in conclusion, I will stand my ground when someone belittles my nation or is ignorant towards it.