Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Monday everyone. I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Quite a few books have arrived at my doorstep these past few weeks. Some of these are recent arrivals, a few arrived weeks ago but I never got around to posting about them. I look forward to reading all of them.

Here's my Mailbox Mondays:

Tuesday Tells it Slant:
Sent to me for review as part of a blog tour for August. The main characters name is Tuesday, I like that.

Transformations: Give Up the Struggle by Renee Wiggins: Sent to me for review. This is a self-help book.

Shoulder Bags and Shootings by Dorothy Howell: Another book sent to me for review, an ARC. This sounds like a fun mystery.

The Art of Racing In the Rain by Garth Stein: I won this one over at Suko's blog. Another book that sounds like a great read.

The first 2 books in the Percy Jackson series. My little brother, age 9, was visiting from out of state and told me he loves this series. Being the sentimental sap that I am, I now want to read the books, because they will remind me of him. So I went and bought book one. Then this past weekend, hubby and I randomly stopped by at a garage sale, and guess what I found for .25 cents? The second in the series, The Sea of Monsters. The second book was just laying there, I wasn't even looking for it, so I figured it was fate.

The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender: Sent to me for review. I always enjoy a good bookcover, and I like this one. Look at the cake's shadow, it's a person right?

The Spartacus Road by Peter Stothard : Sent to me by the publisher, I couldn't resist this one, it sounds so different.

Sand in My Eyes Eyes by Christine Lemmon . Another book sent to me for review. The cover alone makes me think it's a good beach read.

So there you have it. All of these books have been added to my ever growing TBR mountain. I should bake my hubby his favorite cake, chocolate cake with vanilla frosting, because he never complains about the amount of books that enter this house :) Bless his heart.

What about you? What books have arrived at your doorstep recently?


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