Thursday, June 30, 2011
- religious equality and conscience .....
- same-sex marriage ....
- Aristotle :) ...
Here are the Top 10 safeties of 2011...
These are some of the sunflowers I planted in my garden this year.
Sunflowers are my favorite, I think they have the most 'personality'. My mammoth sunflowers have yet to mature, when those are grown, I'll post pics. Those get about 6 foot high.If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom. ~Terri Guillemets
I also wanted to note that I'll be taking a mini-blog break until next Tuesday.
I'll be back with reviews and general randomness as usual next week. Happy 4th of July weekend!
Labels: garden
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Myself and my new Flip camera. |
Hot Lips (pink), Lip Lover (red) and the black Graffiti pen. I picked up these fabulous leopard-print shorts in Bershka yesterday, for a mere €9.99! I absolutely adore them, and I'm just waiting for our sun to come out to wear them! After reading so many fantastic reviews and watching so many videos about Chanel's Bronze Universel, I finally gave in and bought one! The Bronze Universel is a beautiful matte bronzer, that's ideal for contouring your face and for adding a Summer glow to our Irish pasty skin! The one shade adapts to all skin tones, the formula is quite smooth and buttery and you get a fantastic 30g worth of product. The container is massive and of course, elegant. I paid a whopping €37 for it, but I know it will last forever and is totally worth the money. I bought mine in Brown Thomas on Grafton Street, but it's sold at any Chanel counter internationally. I'm already in love with this product, and I'll do a review on it over the next few weeks. Today I woke up feeling incredibly ill and had no willpower at all in me to climb out of bed. I woke up to 2 amazing surprises however, which instantly perked my mood; Lush had sent me over a huge parcel full of goodies for me to use and I also received a call from Vodafone, to inform me that I'd won a pair of 3 day camping passes for Oxegen - amazing! My mood quickly turned into a joyous one for obvious reasons, but I was still crippled in back pains and headaches! I went through my Lush parcels with 'ooohs' and 'aaaahs' and the delicious waft of Lush swept through my room. I saw some of my all-time favourites in there - 'Dragon's Egg' and 'Mr.Whippy' bathbombs, but also some products I've never tried out! A 240g tub of the famous 'Dream Cream' made me the happiest girl on the planet! The cream is known globally to fight skin conditions, such as ezema and I've never gotten around to buying some. It smells gorgeous and I cannot wait to use it! The new 'Tiny Hands' solid hand cream was also buried within the treasures, and it's one of the many things I'm dying to try out! I'll be posting a 'Perfect Bath' post soon, and I'll be reviewing each product over the new few weeks. I'm a huge fan of Lush, as you all know, so a thousand thank you's to Lush for sending me all of these gorgeous goodies! A few weeks ago, I won the 'Black & White Styling Challenge' on Asos, sponsored by Nivea's new Invisible For Black & White Deodrant. I won 4 dresses in total; 2 black, 2 white. Due to one white dress being missing from my parcel, Asos very kindly sent out a £50 voucher to spend on their site. There was a bit of confusion over the parcel, as you may know if you follow me on Twitter, as I only received the parcel yesterday, but all is now good and well! The dresses are so beautiful and I'll get fantastic wear out of them all. (Excuse the poor quality pictures, my camera died and I had to make do with an old one!)
I've been going through quite a lucky patch this month, I've won Oxegen tickets, Asos outfits and a Make Up For Ever make-up course, and as one of my subbies on Youtube said - it's karma! The start of 2011 was absolutely dreadful for me, and things only started picking up this month for me. June was quite a lucky month for me and I just hope that luck doesn't run out any time soon! I enter competitions daily, and lads remember; If you're not in it, you can't win it! On that note, remember to enter my huge Summer beauty giveaway here - it closes in 4 days, so get entering! Within the next few weeks, I'll be having a huge ebay sale, I'm doing a huge clearance - clothes, shoes, the lot! I'll post everything on here when it's all sorted out, so watch this space! I hope you're all keeping well, hopefully I'll have a new video up by Sunday - if my camera decides to work! |
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Here are the top 10 guys in the trenches...
At Reuters FaithWorld blog - Dutch vote to ban ritual animal slaughter, Jews and Muslims unite in protest - and here's a bit from another story about the issue, this in the New Statesman - Is Kosher still kosher?...
The lower house of the Dutch parliament has voted by a large majority to ban the slaughter of animals without prior electric stunning, as practised by religiously observant Jews and Muslims. The Netherlands would not be the first European country to have such a law -- it is already banned in Sweden, Norway and Switzerland -- but the vote has inevitably reopened the debate on the balance that any modern society must strike between common standards and the rights of minorities to maintain their own traditions ...
The collision of secular society's evolving understanding of what's ethical and religious groups' faith traditions/teachings is rife in the news lately -- in this instance, my sympathies lie with secular society's ethics. Maybe I'm not objective because I'm a vegetarian. And I know this is about Judaism and Islam, neither of which have me as a member, but in many of these collisions between my own church and the state, the religious teachings are often based on a few time-sensitive bits of scripture that don't seem integral to the core faith, and when I weigh that against suffering, I want to end the suffering. I hope I don't offend anyone, but perhaps this is a case where the religious letter of the law is now frustrating the actual spirit of that law, -- eliminating unnecessary suffering.
- Marianne Thieme, leader of the Dutch Animal Rights Party, at a goat farm in Amstelveen, the Netherlands, December 11, 2006/Koen van Weel - Reuters
Here's a link to a neat poem about the writer V. S. Naipaul and his contempt for women writers .... Poem Composed While Waiting for the Gynecologist to Come In. (Seriously.) (credit to Feminist Philosophers).
Good morning everyone. Today I'd like to welcome author Johanna Garth, who is stopping by for an interview. I recently read & reviewed her debut novel, Losing Beauty. Johanna is kindly taking time out of her busy schedule to stop by and answer my nosey questions :)
Bookworm: Welcome to my blog Johanna, and thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule for this interview. Please tell us a bit about yourself.
Hi Naida, Thank you so much for inviting me to be a guest author here at The Bookworm.
I‘m not one of those people who always knew they wanted to be a writer. Instead I always wanted to be a lawyer. It wasn’t until my oldest was born that I realized my love of reading and telling stories could translate into something else. Ever since then I’ve been stealing away to scribble, or type, down my thoughts. When I’m not writing I am the mother to two, chef de cuisine, carpooler, errand runner, rule enforcer and general boo-boo kisser.
Bookworm: What was the hardest thing about writing Losing Beauty? How long did it take you to complete?
The hardest thing about all my writing projects is finding quiet time. The only time my household is quiet is when the kids are at school. Everyone knows not to call me between the hours of 9:00-3:00. Losing Beauty is the third book I’ve written and, oddly enough, it was the easiest to write. The first draft of it took about five months and then I revised and edited for another six months. Maybe I’m getting quicker or maybe it was just because my youngest started kindergarten and I’ve had more time.
Bookworm: What kind of research did you do?
The research for every book is different depending on the subject matter. Losing Beauty is loosely based on the Greek myth of Persephone and Hades. Even though I didn’t feel compelled to stick strictly to the boundaries of the myth, I still needed to understand it. I read several books on Greek mythology and ancient Greek history and relied on the internet to fill in any holes. The ancient myths are rife with betrayals, jealousies and interfamily strife. I wanted Losing Beauty to reflect those themes in a modern setting and in a way that would feel current to the reader.
Bookworm: If Losing Beauty were to be made into a film who would you like to see playing the roles of Persey, Aaron, Daniel and Haden?
One of my closest friends is a movie buff and also happens to be an early reader of Losing Beauty. She has been lobbying for the following choices and I have to say I agree.
Persey: Amanda Seyfried
Aaron: Chord Overstreet from Glee
Daniel: Gabriel Macht
Haden: Hugh Jackman
Bookworm: Are you working on any other books at the moment?
Yes , yes, yes! I’m working on the second book in the Persephone Campbell series. It’s called Losing Hope. It’s a funny title for a work in progress because, as a writer, the one thing you want to avoid is losing hope.
Bookworm: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
I write because I love it. My greatest measure of success is, not how many books I’ve sold, but whether the people reading my book have been able to step outside of their own lives and become lost in another world for a little while. I think that’s the mark of a wonderful book and something everyone should experience.
Bookworm: Who are your favorite authors and what is it that really strikes you about their work? What is your favorite genre?
That’s such a hard question to answer because I’ve always been a voracious reader. A few of my favorites, and I’m kind of picking at random here, are Judy Blume, Colette, Stephen King, Edith Wharton and Audrey Niffenegger. The thing these authors share is an amazing gift of telling story through dialogue and creating characters that feel real and present. As for genre, I’m a fiction omnivore. Occasionally I’ll read nonfiction but I do it exactly the way my kids their veggies, only because we know it’s good for us.
Bookworm: Last but not least, if you were stranded on a deserted island, and were allowed to bring 3 items with you, what would they be?
Can I just be a little silly here? Nobody wants to hear I would bring food, water and a first-aid kit, so barring those oh-so-boring-and-yet-extremely-practical items, I think I would bring the following:
1. A yoga mat so I could exercise and take a nap without being covered in sand. Also, in a pinch, I could roll it up and use it as a pillow.
2. An IPAD (because what deserted island isn’t fully equipped with wireless). I could read, write, look at pictures of my family and send out the occasional tweet and blog post.
3. The third item was a no-brainer. My friend Georgie’s pumpkin bars. They’re so amazing I’m certain they could sustain me for days. And healthy too, kind of, despite the cream cheese frosting, pumpkin’s a vegetable right?
Thank you again Johanna. I truly enjoyed your book and am happy to hear you are writing the sequel. I like your casting choices, and I can easily imagine Hugh Jackman playing Haden!
I also like your three items of choice for the deserted island.
Best of luck with everything!
About the author: Johanna Garth is a writer of urban fantasy and mythic fiction for adults who resides with her husband and two children in Portland, Oregon.
This is her debut novel.
About the book:
Losing Beauty
Child abuse, cross-dressing, theft, adultery—people in Persey Campbell’s town have terrible secrets and she is the unfortunate repository for all of them. What she can’t figure out is why everyone is so desperate to tell her their worst secrets.
Daniel Hartnett is a lawyer who has it all. People think he’s lucky. What they don’t understand is Daniel has a crap-o-meter that lets him hear the meanings behind other people’s words. He used to think his crap-o-meter was a gift from God. It made him successful with his career and women. Except now he’d like to meet someone and settle down and he can’t turn his crap-o-meter off. As long as it’s on, there are no surprises, no rush of anticipation and no falling in love.
When Daniel meets Persey he discovers the first girl he’s ever met who is immune to his special talent. The only problem is someone else discovered Persey first and is hell-bent on claiming her as his own. Haden is the king of the Underworld with a plan to make Persey his immortal queen. What Haden doesn’t plan on is Persey’s unique ability to compel secrets and how far the people who love Persey will go to protect her from the inner darkness that threatens to destroy her soul.
Labels: author interview, Johanna Garth
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Back to the other side of the ball with the captains of the defense...
Well after traveling for over a 24 hour period getting on 3 planes and having a 2 hour wait on the plane in ATL.... we are Finally in Palma, Mallorca. Exhaustion is what I feel, think and I am right now. I love the families and just love that I am in Spain. Last night when we arrived Marta and Alicia (Linsey's little girls) were having a birthday party, so it was pretty much crazy from the start when we got here. It was a fun evening though.