Jim looks a lot like this model
A while back I ran into the only gay Republican I know personally. This is a very nice person but rather a stubborn and misinformed one. Basically a good fellow, a very handsome but a bit on the intellectually challenged side.
So I asked him: “How are you doing Jim? I haven’t seen you all summer, what have you been doing?
So he answers: “Oh, I’ve been busy working to prevent Obama from passing all these SOCIALIST laws”
“Come on, now Jim, you are smarter than that, SOCIALIST? It sounds to me like you have been listening to Rushie Bouncie-Bouncie Limbaugh” I said.
He answered: “I rather not talk politics with you, you are a radical liberal”So I said: “Well if you don’t want to argue any issues on the merits and the facts that is ok with me, but remember that there are certain things in society that have to be socialized because we can’t have the private sector operate it for profit reasons, like the electric company, for example, which is a natural monopoly and we can’t have any competition…can you imagine ten different electricity providers? Having ten different sets of high tension wires running behind your house?
So he says: “Electric companies should be in private hands, there is nothing wrong with making a profit”
My answer: “Of course there is nothing wrong with making a profit, but remember that when greed takes over, there is no limit and the excesses are hurtful to society…because greed has no conscience”
I continued: “The best economic system is that of the Free Enterprise but it has to have regulations or greed will take over”
He answered: Blah, blah, blah, it is all a SOCIALIST program, Obama is a Socialist and
wants to turn this country into a SOVIET style dictatorship”
“I can see that you are totally blinded by some conspiracy theory, the truth of the matter is that even if you have the facts in front of you, you will not admit that you are wrong. What I don’t understand is…”
He interrupts me: “And you are blinded by the demagoguery the Democrats have been feeding their party members”
“Let me finish, don’t interrupt me, what I was going to say was that I don’t understand why a gay person and one who is middle class would support the Republican party?” What do you have to gain from having Healthcare defeated? Do you own a lot of stocks in the Insurance or Pharmaceutical companies? Didn’t you get laid off recently? For the life of me I can’t even comprehend why if you almost lost your house, avoided foreclosure, and yet you are still defending the very system that has hurt you in so many ways”
“I rather not discuss this anymore” He got up and left.