Today I moved a low table that was near the couch. I had bought it at a thrift store so that I could sit on the floor while using the computer. When Kermit got really sick and spent all her time on the couch, I dragged it over there so I could sit by her while using the computer. Here she is laying on the top of the couch ....

I kept the table and computer in the same place after she died - it was sort of comforting - but a couple of months ago when my computer died, I put the replacement on another higher table and today I moved the low table. Doing that made me so sad - it was like I was erasing Kermit. It's at this point, I guess, that people get new pets, but I'm reminded of what Data said to Geordi in the Star Trek episode Time's Arrow ...
Geordi: I never knew how tough this must be for you ... Knowing that you would outlive all your friends.
Data: I expected to make new friends.
Geordi: True.
Data: And then to outlive them as well.