Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Really Random Tuesday is hosted by Suko.

Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying your Tuesday.

Last weekend we took the kids to Raceway Park which promised to be a rip-roaring, fun filled, exciting race car/monster truck show.

Now mind you, we've never been to this type of show before and I'm not into race cars or drag races, but my son is currently obsessed with cars. Making him happy, moody fifteen year old that he is, can be tricky. He's at that age where he thinks he's too cool to be seen with mom and dad in public...yadda ...yadda...yadda.

Let me tell you, as soon as we arrived at the car track, my sons eyes were a huge as saucers. I haven't seen him that excited since Christmas when he was still little and believed in Santa.

Funny enough, I didn't think I'd enjoy watching monster trucks or drag racing, but it was lots of fun. We all wore ear plugs due to the loudness of car engines. There was car smashing, bike tricks, drag racing, fireworks and even an explosion at the end. Good old-fashioned fun! We're already planning to go back for the next show a few months from now.

I kept expecting to see Ricky Bobby come out yelling 'Shake n Bake!'

I'll leave you with some pics. How cool is the first pic above? It's a school bus turned monster truck. I think that would be a great way to get kids to want to get on the school bus and go to school every day.

I was so happy to find funnel cake to munch on while I watched the show. It's a favorite summer treat.

The show started at around 7PM, and we were there till nearly midnight. Here you can see the sun setting as the cars drag raced.

This truck was hooked up with a jet engine. Necessary? Not at all. Cool? Very!

Some of these cars were going at speeds over 200 miles an hour.

The show ended with the track being lit up while the last of the cars raced and fireworks followed.

Here's one of the videos I recorded of a monster truck. (if you listen closely, you can hear me screaming at the end)

That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my post that has absolutely nothing to do with reading...lol.

Stay tuned, tomorrow author Johanna Garth is stopping by for an interview.


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