Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Republican-Teahadists became emboldened and thought they had a mandate after their gains in the 2010 elections.

Instead of actually doing the things that they ran on, the very things that got them elected; once they got to Washington or to the Governors’ Mansions they did a turn around and began legislating just the opposite of those things they promised.

But worse, the Republican-Teahadists have become such radicals that just a decade ago or even less these ideas would have been considered crazy, irresponsible, unpatriotic and racist. The Republican Party may cease to exist after the 2012 elections or they may take decades to recuperate.

You see, there is no way a political party can win an election if they systematically exclude large groups of people…we have seen that one by one the Republicans don’t really welcome Blacks and having a Black President is probably the single most irritant to the racists that are always welcomed in the Republican fold. It is not surprising then to see that more than 90% of Blacks will vote for Democrats.

Conversely, Hispanics are much in the same boat. Latinos have seen how the Supreme Court nomination went for Sotomayor; they have seen the Arizona “Show me your papers” law that is being replicated in other states as well. Latinos are very well aware that as long as they picked the fruit, cleaned the floors and served the tables the WASPHROMS welcomed immigration, even undocumented one. But now that Latinos are poised to be a majority in America the omelet has turned. The xenophobes are frantically trying to hold on to the reins of power and that is why you heard in the summer of 2009 all these people going to disrupt public discourse and sabotage any efforts by their elected officials to interface with constituents…and the cry that was most often heard was “THEY ARE TAKING AWAY MY AMERICA”.

There are others like blue collar, labor unions and the working poor that has been negatively affected by Republican endeavors best exemplified with what the Governor of Wisconsin did to labor unions.

But if the Republican-Teahadists would have stopped right there they might still have had a chance; however, the Republican agenda calls for the elimination of all safety nets like Medicare, Medicaid and even Social Security which will still be solvent two decades from now.

You also have the visceral rejection of gays from Republicans although many of them are caught in compromising situations in some sordid men’s restroom or sending amorous e-mails to underage male pages. The list goes on and on with the Republican repudiation of gays: opposition to DADT, opposition to gays adopting children, opposition to same sex marriage and even civil unions…what is in the Republican-Teahadist plate is to be able to discriminate legally against gays and to further try to humiliate and suppress them…but make no mistake about it…we have seen the valley on the other side of the mountain and it is the promised land and gays are not going back in the closet any time soon; but neither are Blacks going back to the back of the bus or worse yet the plantations. Women know that they are the owners of their reproductive organs, not the government and they too will come out and vote in crushing numbers against this morality police state.

We also as a people are not so dumb as to buy into the TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS crap. Middle class Americans have seen their incomes dwindling if they haven’t lost their jobs altogether, their homes, their retirement and their health insurance…do you really think that any person that lost their job as a result of this economic mess the Republicans created doesn’t think at least contemplates the reason for their misery?

Lastly, I have a message for my Cuban compatriots…those Cuban-Americans who have traditionally voted Republican…we have elected the likes of Ileana Ross, Lincoln Diaz Balart and lately Marco Rubio…let me say to these Cuban Republicans that this party they belong to, these Republican politicians they elect across the country are allergic to the eñes and the accents…they go ballistic whenever they hear Spanish and become indignant when we send our children to college and totally go into apoplexy when we go out to vote. So the question I pose to my countrymen is this: How could you possibly give your vote to people who hate you and are denying you your rights? If Marco Rubio, Ileana Ross or Diaz Balart would like to answer that question I sure would welcome their response.


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