It is a delusion these people have that the more bumper stickers they stick on their cars, the more American flags displayed on their property or cars, the flag lapel pin, the signs they carry to disrupt democratic discourse, they do believe that these symbols make them more patriotic than others.
Nothing could be further from the truth…these people are nothing more than ignorant, uninformed reactionaries who take a lot of pride out of their ignorance and show it. It is common to see their signs misspelled, it is common to see them acting in uncivil ways and worst of all, they want our President to fail.
In my book, if you wish our President to fail, you want America to fail and that is not patriotic. And if you pray for our President to be harmed, then you are a downright traitor.
You can’t tell what is in people’s minds and hearts; but what about what’s on their BUMPER STICKERS, on their buttons, on their tee shirts, on their bookshelves, in their churches, on their radios and televisions? Or are the tens of millions of failed, mentally weak losers who faithfully hang on every word that comes out of Limbaugh’s and Beck’s mouths all doing it “ironically”?
I can’t take the image out of my mind of that lady who went to one of the Town Hall Meetings and sobbing said: “They are taking away my America” or the sign – “I Want My Country Back”
So, yes, the 55% of the electorate that voted for Obama approved of him…and some large number of distracted, disengaged losers looked up “Jon and Kate Plus Eight” or “American Idol” long enough to give him a thumbs up.
But the 30% of Americans who are hardcore bible-crazies, bigots and imbeciles – that irredeemably devolved segment of the public who now control the GOP and who make up Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh’s their loyal audience – never approved of him and never will.
When they say, “I want my country back” they’re talking about this great anxiety that is widespread about the impending diversity, the WHITE ANGLO SAXON PROTESTANT HETEROSEXUAL is no longer the majority (WASPH) and that is cause of fear and concern. They are not willing to accept that their lofty position on the top of the feeding chain is no longer sustainable. It was easy for these losers without education or any kind of intelligence to claim superiority over the minorities.
But now things are different, demographics are showing that their numbers are dwindling and perhaps the election of a black President is but an indication that indeed they are changing; this is now becoming EVERYBODY’S AMERICA, not just the WASPH”s America.
These of course are people who lived in bliss and ignorance through the Bush years and never expressed the smallest concern for the Constitution or the National Debt; these same “patriots” never expressed a whisper of concern when the Constitution they love so vigorously was being shredded by a White Christian Conservative Republican President named “Bush”
What remains to be seen is how the 2012 elections will turn out. Will the American people have had enough of Teabaggers and their crazy ideas? Will the voters realize that the unemployment we have was caused by Republican ineptitude and askew economic policies as well as tax cuts for the rich? Will all these radical legislation being passed in some states where they have a Republican governor have a negative effect on Republicans? How about the unemployment thing...when everyone can clearly see that Republicans are trying to destroy jobs, not create them to make President Obama look bad and as they put it: Obama will be a one term President..
So, Why is it then that the banks got all these bail outs and hoarded them? And…if taxes are reported to be the lowest they have been in 40 years, why do Republicans keep insisting that we lower them even more? I tell you why: It is that Reagan askew idea of "TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS" which we have had for over 30 year and have proven disastrous for the economy.