And yes, it was Reagan who began all this crap embracing that nut economist Friedman who believed that public parks should be eliminated because it was a form of socialism.
Where do you stand on these issues? If you don’t see them clearly by now we are going to have to hit you across the face with a 2 X 4 or better yet…water-board you until you understand ECONOMICS 101.
These charts demonstrate how and why the richest Americans are getting richer, paying less taxes while the rest of the population is not faring that well. We are in fact running a welfare state in America…but it is not for the poor…it is for the wealthy and the corporations. Once and for all, realize that WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION has already taken place and the class wars have been won by the top assholes in the pinnacle of the food chain.
These charts originate from: http://wweek.com/portland/article-17350-9_things_the_rich_dont_want_you_to_know_about_taxes.html
Instead of invaded Iraq, we should have invaded the Cayman Islands and Switzerland!
So you see folks, we "liberal-progressives" have every weapon at our disposal and the most powerful one is the truth...graphs and charts tell everything they don't want to hear.