Monday, June 20, 2011

Foucault pendulums are a popular feature in science museums around the world. This one hangs out in the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan, Italy.

I am sure most of you were taught about the pendulum theory in high school

And then the adage: “those who don’t learn from history are bound to repeat it” And it has come full circle in my opinion. The problem is that the pendulum just broke free from its moorings and it is now flying free to do what pendulums do…as your physics high school teacher told you that an object in motion that does not meet any resistance will remain in motion.

I don’t know if you get my drift and know what I am driving at but suffice it to say that one of the reasons I believe the right wing fanatics have become so emboldened is because they have met no resistance. They lied and purported themselves as something they were not and they made those gains in the elections of 2010. But as we all know, the disaster that followed was transparently clear in places like Arizona, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Minnesota, Florida to name a few. The disastrous policies and passage of legislation that hurts ordinary people from Governors of these states is unprecedented.

That is at the state level but in the national theater there are those Republican-Teahadists hell bent on making Obama a one term President and they don’t give a flying fuck if they hurt the American people in the process…as John Boehner would say: “SO BE IT”

The part that I have trepidation is that the American people sometimes don’t know how to differentiate a demagogue from an idealist, a righteous public servant from a crooked politician, an honest, common sense philosophy as opposed to one imaginary, fill in the blanks if it helps the rich type of platform one.

Sadly, the American experiment we have strived so hard to make work is on life support right now all thanks to those same Republicans who claim to love this country and say they are more patriotic than everyone else when in reality they are traitors…yes TRAITORS to the American dream, traitors to American values, TRAITORS to the Christian principles and most of all, they are TRAITORS to themselves because they have prostituted their legislative access to the highest bidder…WHORES!

Says Hunter in The Neverdamnending Story

“I am more bothered by the notion of conservative legislators that we as a nation do not need to make progress than by any specific successes or failures in actually progressing. The conservative plan for the end of readily available oil is either to ignore it or demand we drill the remaining stuff out faster: there is no plan B. The conservative plan for creating jobs is not "tax cuts", because we now have all lived through an unimpeachable real-world demonstration that those tax cuts didn't create any damn jobs, but to tell us all that we need to suck it up and expect nothing better. The plan for health care is to have less health care. The plan for our infrastructure is to not have a plan, because that costs money. There is no vision of a future America that does anything any better than we do right now: instead, there is an active hunger to do each thing slightly worse.

That said, they seem to get most starry-eyed and visionary when it comes to stripping away rights of the common folk. At the state level, their efforts to strip workers of collective bargaining rights seem more fervently pushed than any other issue, with aggressive restrictions against "certain" voters, "certain" immigrants, and "certain" women close behind. At the national level, it is taken as universal truth that of course all cuts to government will be placed squarely on the backs of the poor. It's not even a question – there are no substantive proposals that the rich share the pain. Not a damn one. The gap between rich and poor in America, and how it has expanded dramatically post-Reagan, is common knowledge – but it won't make a difference. Money is not just seen as equivalent to free speech, but is seen as equivalent to morality. If you are poor, you are immoral. If you are rich, it is because you have been blessed. Or are a Randian producer, and not a parasite.”

I become so indignant whenever I see right through these Republican-Teahadists playing the race card or otherwise vilifying minorities in order to scare the shit out of those bigoted, ignorant base they now call the Tea Party. In my day they were not just considered fringe and radical, the likes of the John Birch Society was looked upon as an aberration, a weird and nonsensical group of reactionaries and bigots and the rest of society didn’t buy into it.

Enter the powerful corporations, the very wealthy…folks like the Koch brothers who are really the product of, if not directly associated with the Birchers and they fund, organize and supervise a pervasive effort to turn America into a theocratic plutocracy.

Distractions are many…from abortion to the peccadilloes of politicians, from repeal DADT to paint gays as predators and child molesters…all of it meant to draw attention away from what they are really doing…DESTROYING AMERICA!



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