title: Trace of Fever
author: Lori Foster
genre: contemporary romance/romantic suspense
pages: 393
published: May 2011
source: ARC sent by Book Trib/Book Tour
first line: Arms crossed and his shoulders propped against the wall outside the elaborate, corner high rise-office, Trace Rivers considered his options.
rated: 3 out of 5

book blurb:
Caught in the crossfire of vengeance and desire...
Undercover mercenary Trace Rivers loves the adrenaline rush of a well-planned mission. First he'll earn the trust of corrupt businessman Murray Coburn, then gather the proof he needs to shut down the man's dirty smuggling operation. It's a perfect scheme—until Coburn's long-lost daughter saunters in with her own deadly plan for revenge.
With a smile like an angel and fire in her eyes, Priscilla Patterson isn't who she seems to be. But neither is the gorgeous bodyguard who ignites all her senses. Joining forces to plot Coburn's downfall, Priss and Trace must fight the undeniable heat between them. For one wrong move, one lingering embrace will expose them to the wrath of a merciless opponent.
Trace of Fever is the second book in Lori Foster's Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series.
In this book we have hottie Trace Rivers working undercover as a bodyguard for a corrupt wealthy businessman named Murray Coburn. Coburns runs a human trafficking business and Trace wants to gain his trust so he can bring him down.
One day the beautiful and seemingly innocent Priscilla Patterson walks into Coburns place of business claiming to be his long lost daughter. Priss has an agenda of her own. Trace can't help but notice the beauty has something up her sleeve, and is not as innocent as she claims to be.
When Coburn has Trace keep tabs on Priss, he more than willingly obliges. Trace and Priss end up having some hot sexual tension as Trace actually begins to care for her and doesn't want to see Priss come to any harm.
My thoughts:
I read the first in this series, When You Dare and enjoyed it. In that book I got to learn a bit about Trace, and I was eager to read his story in this second installment.
The tension between Priss and Trace was nice, it slowly developed and I was eager to see how these two would get together.
Author Lori Foster creates another likable heroine with Priss. She is no damsel in distress and has a mind of her own.
I also liked Trace's character, since I do enjoy alpha males in romance books.
I also like seeing Dare McIntosh from the first in this series, When You Dare, pop up in this book.
I found Murray Coburn's wife, Helene a.k.a. Hell, to be a bit over the top. I found her too obnoxious and too willing to throw punches to take her seriously.
All in all, I enjoyed Trace of Fever. It was a juicy read on these hot summer days.
Book three in this series is called Savor the Danger.
About the author:

Since first publishing in January 1996, Lori Foster has become a Waldenbooks, Borders, USA Today, Publisher’s Weekly and New York Times bestselling author. Lori has published through a variety of houses, including Kensington, St. Martin’s, Harlequin, Silhouette and Samhain. She is currently with Berkley/Jove.
Lori believes it’s important to give back to the community as much as possible, and for that reason she ran special contests in conjunction with a publisher, facilitating many first sales for new authors. She routinely organizes events among authors and readers to gather donations for various organizations.
quoted from the author's website
Special thanks to Tricia over @ BookTrib for making this possible!