Sunday, June 12, 2011

Do they realize that by doing that they are also reducing their influence?

Why don’t we just end the government altogether? Let’s end elections, abolish income tax and the army…maybe even privatize the business of printing money. While we are at it, let us not have police or a standing army…we can turn that to private concerns as well.

How about public education? Forget about it…it is in the special interests to have an uneducated population. Social Security Medicaid and Medicare? No way José…these are people who are no longer productive and therefore a burden on society…they would do the country a favor if they “hurry up and die”

Of course there should be no regulations whatsoever for consumer protection or for cheating the public as banks do, credit card companies ought to be free to charge whatever the fuck they want to charge and the safety of products? Shit no…that is such a drag on the ability to make a profit.

But just a word of warning…when there is no government or a very weak one…all those politicians…mostly Republicans who are taking large amounts of funds for political campaigns; all these people that make a living from government will no longer be needed; there will be no Senators, Congressmen and even judges because the law of the land will be handed over to corporations to establish their own laws.

But I ask you honestly…is this a country you would like to live in? Of course, those on top of the food chain will not have to…they will be spending their time in their Aruba or Cannes get away mansions and you, the American voter made it possible by voting Republican.

Photo source:,r:4,s:0&biw=1006&bih=565


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