Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I knew what was going to be said and who was going to say it.

Yes, I’ve seen that movie before, so, why bother? The Republican-Teahadist exercise in futility of that debate should surprise nobody; there was all the usual crap about government being too big, the budget, the deficit and unemployment and not one single fucking solution to any of them.

There also was the standard bearer for getting the Evangelical-right wingers to vote…just a reminder, a motivation if you will that the Republican-Teahadists continue to be rabidly homophobic.

But where they really showed their xenophobia was in their consensus of privatizing, tax-cutting, opposing Shariah law. SHARIA LAW? What the fuck? I always thought we were under the laws of the Constitution of the United States, which to them is so fluid and so elastic that they will alter and violate it with more egregious consequences than if we actually had Sharia law.

There was the antics of ding-bat in residence Michelle Bachmann who could not appear radical enough to hold on to the crass base of those right-wing-nuts. I must say that it was a nice ego trip for her; to have so much ignorance and mediocrity elevated to national status must have given her a sense of pride.

So, for what is worth; I am not one bit impressed and neither should anybody else; perhaps that is why there is so little enthusiasm among Teabagger-Republicans to rally behind any one given candidate…not one of them is worth a shit!



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