Saturday, August 2, 2008
The somewhat customary July hiatus is over and I emerge from my holiday slumber to head back into work on Monday (no long weekend for us autoworkers: we negotiated away this long weekend years ago). With my return to work, I will also return to blogging.
In December 2006 this blog was a rocking place, with often multiple daily posts on a variety of subjects. Some problems with the "new blogger" crashed the site for weeks in January 2007, and I lost my rhythm. The blog posting has decreased materially ever since. That needs to stop, and stop it will. August will be spent getting my groove back, and September, with the return to complete normalcy, I will blog far more regularly than I do now. I fully expect an election this fall, so it's a good time to get it rolling again, as Stephen Harper clearly will need me if he is to win again.
Meanwhile, to help wile away your Saturday with a smile here's an old Newsweek cover I found from March 21, 1966.That pretty young teenager on the back of the motorcycle? Jan Smithers, the ever cute Bailey Quarters from WKRP in Cincinnati.
Labels: Blog Administration, Celebrities