Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Salon 8.31

The Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone. Wow, it's the last day of August! How did that happen?

This has been a busy week for me as usual. Trying to get the kids ready for back-to-school. I really don't like the shopping. It just gives me a huge headache. And my daughter (8) is big into Hannah Montana so we had to get the clothes, bookbag, lunchbox, supplies...etc...anything and everything that had Hannah Montana on it. I can't wait for this fad to be My son (12), bless his heart, is so easy to shop for :) He's more concerned with leaving the store than the actual shopping.

As far as reading and blogging. I did get some reading done.

I finished reading The Ghost of Blackwood Hall (Nancy Drew) : I read this book a few chapters at a time to my daughter each night before bedtime. Being a 3rd grader, I hoped she was ready for a Nancy Drew mystery. And she was. She really enjoyed reading it and followed the storyline very here for my full review.

I also read and reviewed Paco and the Giant Chile Plant/Paco y la planta de chile gigante : 'Paco and the Giant Chile Plant' is a fun read. My daughter did enjoy it. It's written in English, but Spanish words are peppered throughout the story. Kind of how the popular cartoon, Dora The Explorer speaks, adding Spanish words throughout, this way children can here for my full review.

I watched the movie August Rush: Not only was it a sweet story, but Jonathan Rhys Meyers and his Irish accent are yummy. I'm buying this one and adding it to my DVD collection. click here for the full scoop

Enjoy your Day. Happy Labor Day everybody. What's everyone up to this weekend?


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