Thursday, August 28, 2008

Classics Bookclub

Classics Bookclub

5 Minutes For Mom Classics Bookclub

This month Pride & Prejudice is being read & reviewed. I think this is a great idea :)

I have read and re-read P & P several times. It's one of my favorite novels.
You can read my review here

Here's the questions this month:

For repeat readers:
Did anything strike you differently this time? Anything you hadn’t noticed in earlier readings?
Every time I read P & P, I enjoy it. I just don't tire of it. Even though I know the storyline by heart, and I know how it all ends, I have to read it till the end.

For all readers:

Do you have any favorite lines of the novel?
So many. But one of my favorites is when Elizabeth thanks Darcy for saving Lydia's and the family's reputation by paying off Wickham to marry her. And Darcy says:

'If you will thank me,'' he replied, ``let it be for yourself alone. That the wish of giving happiness to you might add force to the other inducements which led me on, I shall not attempt to deny. But your family owe me nothing. Much as I respect them, I believe I thought only of you.'

Why do you think the novel remains so popular 200 years after first publication? What makes it timeless?
I think it's timeless because all love stories have a 'Mr. Darcy' and an 'Elizabeth' to them. These are characters we can relate to.

The novel’s original title was First Impressions. Did you have any first impressions of the novel that were refuted? Any that were supported? Are all the first impressions in the novel correct?
My first impressions of this novel were all positive. I enjoyed it from the start.
As far as the characters, nearly all of thier first impressions of others were wrong. Elizabeth though Wickham was a great guy at first, and Darcy was the one full of pride. Jane thought Bingley didn't love her and vice-versa.

Why do you think the novel is named Pride and Prejudice? How are each manifested in the story?
I think it's named that because Elizabeth represents Prejudice and Darcy, Pride. You see how Elizabeth is prejudiced against Darcy from the start. She has false information against him and refuses to see beyond that to his true self. Darcy is prideful in the beginning. Even his first proposal to Elizabeth he says is 'against his better judgement'.


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