Saturday, August 9, 2008
Saturday Fluffernutter: Driving Miss Daisy... Off the Road; Heath Ledger; If the House is Reelin' and Rockin', Don't Bother Knockin'
Posted by st at 5:00 AMSaturday Fluffernutter - all the fluffy news about those nutty celebrities.This page offers best wishes to Morgan Freeman who is convalescing in a Memphis hospital after a car accident Sunday night. The eminently wealthy,
yet classy, superstar was driving a 1997 Nissan Maxima just before midnight Sunday when the car lest the road and rolled. It is thought Freeman fell asleep while driving.
Speaking of classy superstars, Mary Kate Olsen was refusing to talk to DEA investigators who were investigating the death of Heath Ledger at Olsen's Manhattan apartment. Olsen wanted a promise of immunity before talking to investigators about some of the drugs found in Ledger's system.
One question: What do you suppose the chances are that anyone writing or reading this blog would be able to demand immunity before talking to the DEA?While on the subject of Heath Ledger, I have seen The Dark Knight and the reviews are right, Ledger is great in it. What the reviews don't tell you is it's an awful movie.
There is three or four exceptional performances, the aforementioned Ledger and Morgan Freeman among them, and they are wasted on one of the worst movies ever written.
A house owned by Chuck Berry from 1950 to 1958 is being considered for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Berry reportedly wrote and recorded many of his classic songs including "Maybelline," "Johnny B. Goode," and "Roll Over Beethoven" in the house in St. Louis' Ville neighbourhood.
Labels: Fluffernutter