Friday, August 8, 2008
It's Friday already. Have a good one. I'm still reading Breaking Dawn. OMG I'm hooked on it. That's partly why I havent been able to really read anything else this week. I've still got about 200 pages to go, but I've put everything else I was currently reading aside for now...lol. Until I'm done with Breaking Dawn, I won't read another book. Does that ever happen to you? You get so caught up in one book, you have no desire to read anything else until you are done with that one? I usually read two books at once, but right now I just can't.
My daughter and I will be reading
The Ghost of Blackwood Hall a Nancy Drew Mystery, together. It's her first Nancy Drew book. I'll be reviewing that one as well when we are done.
I was inspired to grab a copy of it at the library because c.j. over @ 'The Trillionth Page' is hosting Nancy Drew week.
Starting August 18th, will be Nancy Drew week here at The THRILLIONTH PAGE, full of mini-recaps and reader reviews of favorite Nancy Drew adventures, recollections from the books or series, opinions, and more!
Head on over to her blog to join in on the fun.
What are you reading this fine weekend?