Monday, August 11, 2008
title: Breaking Dawn
author: Stephenie Meyer
genre: YA fiction
pages: 754
published: 2008
first line: I'd had more than my fair share of near-death experiences; it wasn't something you ever really got used to.
rated: 4 out of 5
Being a big fan of the Twilight Saga since the beginning, I was eagerly awaiting the release of 'Breaking Dawn', the fourth and final installment of this wonderful story.
Read on for my review, which I purposely did not include any spoilers with. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read it yet.
'Breaking Dawn' starts off where Eclipse left off, with Bella getting prepared for her wedding day. And Stephenie Meyer has a great knack for adding just the right touch of humor when you least expect it. So the story started out really well.
There's plenty of romance involved. But in this one, it gets gory. I found myself cringing at parts. Stephenie Meyer hiked it up a notch with this book, it's not the squeaky clean, PG-rated story she's been telling during the past three books. I can imagine if they made this one into a movie, it would be scary. As usual, I couldn't put this book down, that always happens to me when I'm reading a Twilight book.
And I don't like Jacob anymore. I used to be on the fence about him, but now I don't like him at all. He's still got the whole 'unrequited love' going on with Bella, which slightly annoys me, Stephenie Meyer does add a creepy twist to the storyline between Bella & Jacob. I still don't like Bella's character. I hoped that maybe in this book she would mature a bit, but that didn't happen.
As far as Edward goes, he's still perfect.
I'm an Edward kind of gal. He always reminded me of Mr. Darcy from Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice.
'It was a surprisingly sensual experience to observe Edward hunting. His smooth spring was like the sinuous strike of a snake; his hands were so sure, so strong, so completely inescapable; his full lips were perfect as they parted gracefully over his gleaming teeth. He was glorious. I felt a sudden jolt both of pride and desire. He was mine.'
This last installment to the series was not my favorite. Of course Twilight is one of my favorite books, but this last one kind of felt like Stephenie Meyer wanted to tie up everything quickly. Some of the plot didn't really make any sense to me and some of the storyline was just plain unbelieveable. I know it's fiction, but still, you have to give your readers a bit more credit than that.
All being said, I did enjoy this book, so much so that I didn't read nothing else for two weeks. I needed to know what happens. I wanted to see if Edward made Bella into a vampire. Being the final installment, I just had to read it.
"Don't be afraid," I murmured. "We belong together."
I was abruptly overwhelmed by the truth of my own words. This moment was so perfect, so right, there was no way to doubt it.
His arms wrapped around me, holding me against him, summer and winter. It felt like every nerve ending in my body was a live wire.
"Forever," he agreed, and then pulled us gently into deeper water.
About the author:

'Stephenie Morgan Meyer (born December 24, 1973, in Hartford, Connecticut) is an American author. She is the author of the books The Host and Twilight, along with Twilight's sequels New Moon and Eclipse. Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final book is written primarily from Bella's perspective, with sections written from different character lenses. In the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn was released on August 2, 2008. She has also written about half of the first draft of Midnight Sun, a companion novel in the series retelling "Twilight" from the perspective of Edward Cullen.'
-quoted from wikipedia
visit the author's website:
Stephenie Meyer.com
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Labels: reviews, stephenie meyer, young adult