Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My reading time has taken a break due to the Olympics, I can't tear myself away from the tv from 8-12pm. But I am reading three books right now, slowly but surely.
Here's what I've got going on:
Matrimony by Joshua Henkin
From the moment he was born, Julian Wainwright has lived a life of Waspy privilege. The son of a Yale-educated investment banker, he grew up in a huge apartment on Sutton Place, high above the East River, and attended a tony Manhattan private school. Yet, more than anything, he wants to get out–out from under his parents’ influence, off to Graymont College, in western Massachusetts, where he hopes to become a writer.
Author Joshua Henkin was kind enough to send me an autographed copy of his book! And as soon as I started reading it, I was quickly hooked...I'm sure I'll be finishing this one soon. Visit the author's website: http://www.joshuahenkin.com
***book giveaway coming soon***
I'll be raffling off a copy of Matrimony on my blog once my review is up. Joshua Henkin has kindly agreed to personally autograph a copy for one of my lucky blog readers! Stay tuned for that post.

Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict
After nursing a broken engagement with Jane Austen novels and Absolut, Courtney Stone wakes up and finds herself not in her Los Angeles bedroom or even in her own body, but inside the bedchamber of a woman in Regency England. Who but an Austen addict like herself could concoct such a fantasy?
This is such a fun read, especially since I'm a big Jane Austen fan. Go to the website for more http://www.janeaustenaddict.com/

ConsideringSomeplaceElseby B.L. Lindstrom
At the turn of this century, a homeless man was allowed to win the lottery.
It was hoped that he would change the world for the better, forever.
After 12 years, SomeplacElse, his divinely inspired utopian experiment in the sub-urban Arizona desert, has reached critical mass.
As Fate would have it, over the next five days the stories of a chronically under-employed baby boomer and a soon-to-be-governor, playboy millionaire will determine the fate of this earthly Eden.
As soon as I started reading this one I was really interested in the storyline and where it was going.
visit the author's website for more...http://soiwrotethisbook.com/

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