Tuesday, June 7, 2011
title: Jane Austen: An Illustrated Treasury
author: Rebecca Dickson
published: 2008
pages: 157
first line: Millions of women lived in the English-speaking world of 1811, and a very few of them were famous, but not the author of a novel published that year called Sense and Sensibility.
4 out of 5 stars
My sister in law, a fellow Janeite herself, gave me this book for my birthday last year.
This is a wonderful book for any Austen fan to add to their collection.
There are six chapters, one for each Austen novel.
Each chapter discusses the specified novel as well as giving details about Austen herself and the time period she was living and writing in.
You can tell author Rebecca Dickson did plenty of research for this book.
This hardcover book has Regency era illustrations throughout as well as photos from film and tv adaptations.
With her insight into the human heart and the female mind, Jane Austen becomes a private best friend to many of her readers.
I love that this book features removable memorabilia for Janeites to savor, complete with replicas of Austen's private letters.
A stranger passing Miss Austen on the street would have no reason to believe he was looking at the woman who, some two hundred years later, would represent their era.
Overall, a fantastic collectible for any Austen fan.
Labels: 2011 book review, jane austen, reviews