But I have my own reasons and here they are:
I think that teaching Creationism and suppressing Evolution is misguided and harmful. I think it is imperative that we settle this issue once and for all. We thought we had put it to bed after the “Monkey Trials” (The Scopes Trial)—formally known as The State of Tennessee v. Scopes and informally known as the Scopes Monkey Trial—was a landmark American legal case in 1925 in which high school biology teacher, John Scopes, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act which made it unlawful to teach evolution.
It is imperative that we bring that fucking Texas school board to trial and now that we have a dearth more evidence supporting EVOLUTION they are going to be left with egg on their fucking Fundamentalist faces.
Here are some of my own reasons…first and the one that swayed me to believe in Evolution were the similarities between fetuses of all species:
Second the ability to alter or manipulate genetics:
“In the early decades of the 20th century, with Darwin dead and Mendel on their minds, scientists were creating an entirely new way of looking at evolution. Instead of thinking about populations of plants and animals as collections of individuals, biologists like Dobzhansky began thinking exclusively in terms of genes and gene pools. As good as Darwin's evolutionary argument was, it had always lacked direct experimental evidence. By combining the fledgling science of genetics with Darwinian evolution, Dobzhansky gave Darwin's ideas the empirical kick up the backside they had been crying out for.
But Dobzhansky's success was no solo affair. He would have got nowhere without his insect comrade, the fruit fly, Drosophila pseudoobscura. His choice of experimental organism may have seemed unusual. After all, Dobzhansky's tiny fruit flies were hardly a match for Darwin's finches, or so it seemed. But Dobzhansky chose wisely. By the 1930s, fruit flies had already proved themselves as pioneers in genetics research. They were cheap, prolific and easy to breed. They also had the biggest chromosomes that anyone had ever seen.”
SOURCE: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2001/mar/29/technology2
There are other reasons and evidence to support evolution but I find the most curious ones to be that of the human spinal cord having vestiges of a tail and then there is the innate “make your hair stand on end” involuntary human reaction which is nothing more than the remnants of “puffing up” in lower animals to appear more menacing.
PHOTO SOURCE: http://www.documentaryfilms.net/Reviews/MonkeyTrial/