Thursday, December 4, 2008

Booking Through Thursday

1. Do you have a favorite author?

I have a couple authors that I will try to read and buy anything they put out.
One of those is Stephen King. He's the one I've been reading the longest, since my late teens. I like that he can scare the heck out of me without my even realizing it. Does that make sense? I'll be reading one of his books and be fine until later on in the day when I'm home alone and hear a strange noise in the basement....

2. Have you read everything he or she has written?

Not everything, but alot of it. I never got into the Dark Tower books. They seemed too long and drawn out.

3. Did you LIKE everything?

Nope, I didn't like Duma Key and Liseys Story. I also didn't like a book he co-wrote with Peter Straub called Black House. But I loved The Shining, Misery, Salem's Lot, Everything's Eventual and 'On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft.

4. How about a least favorite author?

I think my least favorite would be Dan Brown. I read Angels and Demons and DaVinci Code and just couldn't get into those books. I also do not like Gabriel García Márquez. I read Love in the Time of Cholera and was a bit grossed out by it, yet fascinated at the same time.

5. An author you wanted to like, but didn’t?

I wanted to like Dan Brown, that's why I read both his books.

What about you?? Who do you like and dislike?


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