Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Sunday

Happy Sunday Salon everyone. I hope you all had a good Holiday. With the hustle and bustle of Christmas, I haven't been able to read and blog as much as I'd like. I hope to catch up on my reading and reviewing now that Christmas is over.

So for today, i'm posting a fun meme, feel free to play along! Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this :)

Mariel tagged me with this fun Bookshelf Meme.

The Rules

1. Tag 3-5 people, so the fun keeps going!

2. Leave a comment at the original post at A Striped Armchair, so that Eva can collect everyone’s answers.

3. If you leave a comment and link back to Eva as the meme’s creator, she will enter you in a book giveaway contest! She has a whole shelf devoted to giveaway books that you’ll be able to choose from, or a bookmooch point if you prefer.

4. Remember that this is all about enjoying books as physical objects, so feel free to describe the exact book you’re talking about, down to that warping from being dropped in the bath water…

5. Make the meme more fun with visuals! Covers of the specific edition you’re talking about, photos of your bookshelves, etc.

1. the book that’s been on your shelves the longest

I have a few books that i've had since I was about 12 years old. Here's a few of them:

2. a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time, etc.)

My son gave me a copy of the new Stephen King for Christmas, so I know i'll always think of that when I see this book. He's so cute, he knew I wanted the new SK and had my hubby take him Christmas shopping so he could grab a copy of it. He wrapped it himself and added a giant blue bow on top. Then as he placed it under the tree, he told me 'Sorry ma, the new Stephen King book was sold out so I got you something else instead'. He really wanted me to be

3. a book you acquired in some interesting way (gift, serendipity in a used bookstore, prize, etc.)
I have received some wonderful bookish gifts this year for Christmas.

My friend JulieAnn sent me an amazing gift basket all the way from California, she included a copy of Brisingr. A few years back, sent me a copy of Eragon and got me into the series then.

She themed the gift basket as a 'Treasure Theme' so everything was gold and sparkly. Being a fellow crocheter, she even included some pretty sparkly yarn.
She added a stuffed golden dragon and chocolate gold coins.

My Secret Santa Serena from Savvy Verse & Wit, sent me some amazing gifts as well this Christmas. It was part of the Book Bloggers Christmas Swap 2008. You can see my full post here, she sent me some great goodies including a book light, lipbalm and a pretty journal.

Here's a few pics of the books she sent.

Seriously Cute Crochet patterns (I can't wait to get started and make some cuties using these patterns):

Just Ella and Stardust:

So now, I have plenty new books added to my TBR mountain and even yarn and patterns to keep me extra busy.

4. the most recent addition to your shelves
I recently bought Ann Brashares' 'The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood'. Okay, I know i'm weak! But I truly loved the first two books and must read the rest in the series.

5. a book that’s been with you to the most places

I think the Harry Potter series, when I began reading those, I took them with me everywhere I went and could not put the books down. I read the series twice.

Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for stopping by! If you play along with this meme, leave me the link so I can come visit.


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