Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Author Robin Kaye is stopping by my blog today for an interview! Thank you Robin for taking the time out to answer my questions.

I recently read & reviewed her book Romeo Romeo, which I'm also raffling off my copy of, click here for details.

Bookworm: Hello Robin and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to stop by my
blog for an interview.

Robin: Thanks so much for inviting me. It’s great to be here.

Bookworm: What inspired you to write Romeo, Romeo?

I was taking an on-line writing class on point of view and the first assignment was
to write a scene in first person.
I had just made a 20-quart pot of spaghetti sauce, dumped my meatballs in, and had
ten minutes until I could stir the pot. I hate waiting those ten minutes. They always
seem to last an eternity, so wearing my “The trouble with eating Italian food is 3
days later, you’re hungry again” apron, I ran into my office and wrote a scene with
an Italian family around the Sunday dinner table. It was the scene in which my
heroine, Rosalie Ronaldi, realized that there was an expiration date on
uncommitted relationships. The scene was cut from the final manuscript, but I fell
in love with Rosalie and her family, and I knew I had to write her story. It almost
killed me to cut that scene, because it was so funny, but it wasn’t wasted. I used it
in my blog. That made me feel much better.

Bookworm:What was the hardest thing about writing this book? How long did it take you to

Robin: That’s a difficult question to answer, because I think writing a book is very similar
to giving birth. You forget the pain you went through; otherwise you’d never do it
again. Now, when I remember writing Romeo, Romeo, I’m amazed at how well it
all flowed.

The memories of writing my to-be titled Spring 2009 release are still fresh in my
mind. It was the first book I wrote under contract, and I struggled with a terrible
case of writer’s block that seemed to last forever. It was nightmarish. It was a
difficult book to write, but I’m SO pleased with the final product, and I’m looking
forward to being able to remember only the thrill of having written it.

Bookworm: Rosalie's character is smart, sassy and independent as well as a successful
business woman. Is her character based on someone you know?

No, not really. I think she’s an amalgamation of all the strong, gutsy women I
know and respect. I’ve been blessed to have many incredible women in my life.

Bookworm:Nick Romeo is a great character as well. Not only is he gorgeous, but he's rich
and can cook and clean. In your opinion, is Nick the perfect man?

I don’t know about perfect, he has a few faults that would absolutely drive me
crazy, but he’s perfect for Rosalie, and that’s what counts. Every woman’s
definition of the perfect man is different. Still, if I were in the market for a man, I
wouldn’t kick Nick out of bed for eating crackers.

Bookworm:What got you interested in writing? How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing as long as I can remember. I’ve written songs, poetry, short
stories, novels, and even plays. It’s something I’ve always done—it’s much a part
of me as my eye color. I can’t imagine not writing. It’s my creative outlet, a form
of self-expression. To me, writing is essential.

Bookworm: Who are your favorite authors and what is it that really strikes you about their

Jane Austen, for her ability to draw characters. She was a master. Every time I read
her books, I learn something new. Her writing is timeless.
Louis Nizer was such a genius, he was a lawyer. I’m fascinated by his view of the
world, the way his mind worked, and the sheer brilliance of the man. If you can get
your hands on a copy of Reflections Without Mirrors: An Autobiography of the
Mind I highly recommend it.

Bookworm: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Robin:Just that I hope you enjoy Romeo, Romeo and I’d love to hear from you. You can
contact me though my website,

Bookworm: If your book was to be made into a film, what famous Hollywood actors would
you chose to play Rosalie & Nick?

Raoul Bova from Under the Tuscan Sun as Nick and Kim Kardashian as Rosalie,
and Eva Longoria would be great as Gina.

Bookworm: Last but not least, if you were stranded on a deserted island, and were allowed to
bring 3 items with you, what would they be?

My laptop (filled with my iTunes), a Kindle full of books, and if you consider my
husband a thing, I’d bring him. If not I’d bring a fishing pole, because a girl has to

Bookworm: Thank you so much again Robin, it's been a pleasure!


Special thanks to Danielle from Source Books for making this possible.


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